
Saturday, January 15, 2011

MinMin's Old Selca Pics

As mentioned in my earlier posts, the Minnies are such great fans because as we miss our dearly MinMin we can't help ourselves but to look for something about her.

Well, snowflakesj16 of soompi did find some old Selca pictures of MinMin via her Cyworld.
All of these photos were from the Episode 1 of Playful Kiss.

She's just so adorable! MinMin seems to love makes faces in her selca pics!
Looking at this pictures reminds me why I love Jung So Min!
She's young, fun. sunny and simple!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi, cyworld

MinMin in short film "Worst Friends"

Lack of news from Jung So Min really brings out the detective side from her fans.
Opiod0101 from soompi did some digging about MinMin's old project and viola! An old small short filmed called "Worst Friends" ("최악의 친구들") were found.

It seems like her role was relatively small but MinMin was co-star 
with Kim Soo Hyun (I like this guy! Got some good acting chops as well).
 And as per opiod0101, it seems like the video for the movie which contains
 MinMin's scenes wasn't found yet. 

So hopefully all the Minnies can help in finding it!

But as of the moment below are the pics from that said movie.

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MinMin looks playful in the stills of this film.

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MinMin with Kim Soo Hyun

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MinMin looks s young in this photo! But still lovely as always!

 So Minnies, hopefully we can find this short film of MinMin and
 so we can see how she played her role in this short film.

Til next time Minnies!

credit: opiod0101 of soompi

Jung So Min for EN Sponsor

We just posted the pictures of our MinMin in her Oh Hani outfits but it doesn't stop from there.
Another batch photos are here featuring EN as the sponsor.

Shall we look? 

MinMin wore this during episode 14 the morning after the Kiss in the Rain!

This was during episode 16 for the supposed date with Baek Seung Jo

I love her jacket!

This was wore during the bike seen with Seung Jo!

So many outfits and all of them are so cute and fashionable!
Really love the Oh Hani's style!
And of course we love the person who did wear it, Jung So Min!

credits:, naver

MinMin Then...

credit: snowflakesj16 at soompi

Thanks snowflakesj16 for sharing this!!! I have been looking for them for the longest time!!!

Her CF for Shinhan Card
translating Bloom Entertainment's website, the description 
for this is "fairy drugs 'cutlet bow master'"

For SK Telecoms

This one, I think, is entitled "Boyfriend"

Its so quiet in MinMin and HyunMin Kingdom..........
the silence is deafening........

where art thou, oh fair lady?????



This is the story of our beginning...
The Start

It is exactly 1 month since we started this blog about So Min. It started out as an insane idea brought about by our sheer frustration over google translate on finding news about Minmin since most are written in Hanggul, Chinese, or Vietnamese.

While chatting over at Kathy's Bench (yes, we're regulars there), we decided, why not start an all-English blog about her where we could easily understand? Little did we know that our co-author here, Mela, has already started doing it while we were chatting. After about an hour....
tadaaaaaaaaa! We already have this blog!!!

The Blog

The past month have been so overwhelming! We didn't expect this response from Minnies all over the world!
It just shows that most of us are really hungry for Jung So Min news.
For this month alone, we already have more than 50,000 pageviews!! Thank you, thank you very much from the bottom of our guys rock!

So far, we already have 108 posts with 582 comments (and still counting! wow!). Our top 5 visitors come from the United States, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, respectively.

The post with the most pageviews is "HyunMin Moments" then "L..O..V..E.. the pics" on second....I wonder why's that???? 
All you people from HyunMin Kingdom really unite (including me, of course)....LOL!

However, Minnies have to say what they got to say....the post with the most number of comments is "Making of a Young Goddess". It seems that minnies were really left in awe over Minmin's elegant appearance during MBC awards.

 What I found odd, however, was the date we had our most number of was January 5, 2011. I asked myself why? What happened that day?
Looking back, it was the day MinMin updated her Cyworld and at the same time, it was the day "HyunMin Moments" was posted! People from HyunMin Kingdom are really awesome!! We miss them, right? 


To all our visitors, the Minnies, HyunMins, and even Hyunnies who drops by

To authors of other blogsites who, in one way or another, made this site known to their readers.

To Milo, for the banner

To Hyun Joong, for making this all exciting! LOL! we wouldn't be in HyunMin Kingdom without you

To Kathy of Kathy's Bench,  who have been guiding us all throughout,  we owe you so much! You're also an inspiration, girl! everything started out in your blog, after all!!!

To So Min, for giving us, the Minnies, the opportunity of forming a nice, little community (even without your knowledge)

To the Angels (you know who you are), for the great times, for the pat in the back, 
for the friendship, unending support and encouragement.

To the One above, for giving us the strength to go on.

So, as our way of saying thanks to all of you, aside from our Forum section, we decided to make Friday a Minnies Day!!

We know how creative and talented Minnies are! and we can't wait sharing them to the world!We encourage you to share with us your works of art....images, songs, poems, MV's, or even fanfics!!

May it be about or for  So min or HyunMin, we would love to accommodate them!
Then we'll post your work every Friday, with credits to the maker, of course...
just send your works of art to our email:

who knows, MinMin may be lurking.....LOL!!

all Minnies, HyunMins, and even Hyunnies....FIGHTING!!

With lots of love,
the simplysomin admins