
Monday, January 17, 2011

BTS Pics for Playful Kiss!

Did I tell you that the old stuff is the new stuff? If yes then, the motif continues!
 So since Playful Kiss in my most basic answer when I'm missing MinMin and HyunMin,
 its now time for the another set of PK BTS pics!

Playful Kiss BTS pics!

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Our Oh Hani is cute as a button!

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The trio are so cute!!!

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Baek Eun Jo!! I miss this little Seung Jo!

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MinMin with the little girl in episode 7!

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The Cast seems to have great relationship with each other!
All of them are all smiles!
I love it!

Well, Playful Kiss with rumors saying you will have season 2,
 my PKisser heart can't help but to wish that its true!
And IF the rumors will be true, then I will definitely think that Christmas has come early!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi

My take on the HyunMin/Minjoong Couple

This is an edited re-post from my blog.
And please note that this is my own HyunMin views.


Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min, I never thought that this names would create a big commotion in my K-drama watching life. As I mentioned in the post in my blog when Playful Kiss started to air I didnt know that it would hit me bigtime. And it created a major fangirl conversion in their favor! As of we all know Playful Kiss has ended its series run and its YouTube webisodes which features the glimpse of the married life of Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni can be still access thru that said website. And also, the YT PK webisodes did set the record for having great number of views for this new kind of drama watching. And the views are still counting as of this moment

Well, as I watched (and re-watching) PK series and the YT webisodes, I wonder why I keep coming back? Is it because of the story? I would say of course! I love the story of PK, I love the realism that it represents, but then I  realized that its not only the reason why. 

This is also the major reason why I love PK more than what I would have imagine!

They are so cute right?!

This two adorable individual have joined together to create such an endearing couple in a K-drama. As I mentioned countless times already , I love Kim Hyun Joong already back in his Boys Over Flowers days and love him even more when got to know him more in We Got Married and his other musical talents with SS501.  He made Baek Seung Jo his own and oh boy I did love it!!! The way he portrayed his role as mean but lovable boy-robot-genius, its awesome!. KHJ playing the role of Baek Seung Jo had me converted from just a  regular fan to a certified fangirl! It solidified my love for him! And thats saying something because I dont usually joined fans club or stalked sites for the news on him but I got 180 degrees changes in terms of supporting a celebrity, indeed KHJ is one of a kind! And Im just so happy that KHJ is still reaching greater heights in his career. Go Leader you really deserve it!!!

Kim Hyun Joong, the Hyun of the HYUNMIN couple

In case of Jung So Min, basically she is a newbie in showbiz, but her acting chops in Bad Guy was so good I endured that one heck of a disappointing drama just because of her! (ok! and kim jae-wook as well). Seeing her play Oh Hi Ni with so much energy, joy and enthusiasm which brings joy my heart. I love her take on Oh Ha Ni, she's slow on uptake but not dumb, have such a bright personality and full of heart which makes her so endearing. JSM embodies a young, sweet and graceful image that is so refreshing to see. And that why we fell in love with her! As her Minnies I can't wait for more great things ahead of her which by the way she deserves because she's such a talented young lady! 
Jung So Min the other half of the HYUNMIN couple

One of the my fave stills in the Jeju island filming

And as they say it takes to two to tango, KHJ and JSM together, they created a wonderful and relatable couple. Its such a delight to watch them biker, tease, laugh, smile, have LQ, make-up and love each other. Their scenes together were my favorites in the series.

It also seems that KHJ and JSM were so comfortable with each other that they look so natural on screen as if they were really the PK couple.The akwardness that we saw in the start of the series was long gone as if it never happened in the first place. Now they are included in my own OTP HALL FAME. (its my list of my favorite OTP of all time!).

And because of that many PKissers are so happy and wishing that in real life they could be together! Well, I admit Im one of them!!!! That why the HyunMin couple was born! And besides those BTS and recent pictures of these two were adding to our delight as we saw how happy they were in the set even the filming were tiring.

HyunMin Couple!

Well, as Playfull Kiss series and YT webisodes already wrapped up its filming and it seems that both of them are having individual projects and we do miss the adorable couple so any opportunities to see them together will be like a great gift for the HyunMins.  

And as a HyunMin, of course I do wish that they can be together but if that things will not be the case I'm hopeful that the fondness and friendship that the build in Playful Kiss will remain.

I wish happiness and success for both of them!!!
And I know the HyunMins will continue to support them all the way!!!


credits: mbc for the pics

Endorsements BTS!

Lots and lots of BTS of our lovely So Min are coming out. As I look at her photos for the different endorsements you can really see that Jung So Min is like a chameleon, she can wear different kinds of clothes and styles and she can still rock it!

So as we wait for some latest news lets just enjoy the pics of MinMin!


Awww, they are so cute!


MinMin with CN Blue and Yoon Si Yoon


And Take MV with So Ji Sub

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Love, love her looks in this photoshoot!

Here's to hoping for more CF's and endorsements for MinMin in 2011!

credits: vanilla96 and snowflakesj16 of soompi

Jung So Min's Magazine's Photoshoot BTS

Jung So Min has been feature in numerous magazines photoshoot
 and covers so now we are in for the BTS pictures from that said photoshoots.

Enjoy the pictures guys!


I love her look in this photoshoot!
Such a pretty little sailor!


Actually, I wonder who the guy is but as of the moment I still don't know
Hopefully somebody can identify him. Hehehehe!

Did they really curl the beautiful hair of Jung So Min?


She totally looks different!

Why so serious MinMin?

How many wigs they added to make MinMin's hair to be this big?


MinMin is sure can rock different looks!


I love how she totally seem like a rick chick!

Hopefully now in 2011, we'll be seeing MinMin on more magazine covers!
We miss you MinMin!!!

credits to: vanilla 96 and snowflakesj16 of soompi

Old Pics from Cyworld for Bad Guy!

As we are waiting for the latest news from our fair lady
 the fans are in the roll from checking her old projects and pictures, 
so below were the pictures from her Cyworld during the time sh'es doing the drama Bad Guy.

The younger Jung So Min is beautiful as ever!

MinMin looks melodramatic in this pic and I kinda like it!

She's already pretty by its time to get prettier!

Despite my disappointment to the story of Bad Guy, I must say that the drama has a great cast
and this is where I discovered Jung So Min as the budding star so I'm still thankful to Bad Guy!

Well, Minnies I think its safe to say that more old pictures of MinMin
 will surface so just ready for to feast your eyes Minnies!

Til next time!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi, cyworld