
Monday, March 14, 2011

HyunMin GIF's Part 6!

Since its White Day and we don't know if MinMin got some candies today since everyone seems so quiet for White Day, so I will just serve some BTS moments that as sweet as candy!

A big thanks to squishie for her ever wonderful GIF's!

Well, I do hope that even its not White Day, MinMin will have moments in her life as candy!

Til next GIF moments guys!

credit: squishiee of


Playful Kiss YT Episode 1!

Well, supposed to be today we still have a wave of hang over regarding the Playful Kiss
 Fan Meeting and since that event didn't occur, most of the PKissers and HyunMins
 are back in just reminiscing the PK love thru re-watching!

And now I'm back in re-watching the PK YT webisodes!
I did post the PK YT webisode 1 as this is really the first glimpse of the married life of 
Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni without the family around.

So below is the webisode 1! 
Enjoy re-watching!

Added bonus is the GIF made by our dear friend squishiee!

As we constantly wish to Group 8, can we have at least season 2 for the PK YT webisodes?
I'm still longing for more glimpse of the married life of Seung Jo and Ha Ni!

credits: ytkiss from youtube
           squishiee of


Another batch of BTS Screencaps!

Sorry guys for the screencaps pic spam because today for me is the day for screencaps!
As you guys are in for another batch of Playful Kiss Making screencaps!
This time the screencaps came from various episodes!

Without further ado, below are the screencaps!

I can't really wait for me to get my hands on the Playful Kiss The Making DVD!
I bet it has so many squee worthy scenes that will surely put smile on my face!

But for now, will be off to BTS re-watching! ^_^

           snowflakesj16 of soompi


White Day! ^_^

White Day is also observed in South Korea with the men paying back women who have given them chocolate on Valentine's Day with candy instead of chocolate. -Wikipedia

Well, today is White Day and since we can't really tell whether our dearest MinMin 
would get some candies today, I think it's just fitting that we give MinMin 
our own version of a gift for White Day!

And the gift is in form of a video!
A video made dedicated for our MinMin!
This video was made by jungsominfan!

Thank you jungsominfan for making this video! ^_^

I hope that MinMin would have a great White Day!
Wishing that she'll receive not only lots of candies but also lots of love!

Saranghae MinMin!
The Minnies are just here for you any kind of day! ^_^

credit: jungsominfan of youtube!

Screencaps of PK Making Part 2!

We already posted the video of the Playful Kiss Making Part 2!
And since I can't get enough of them, now we do have the screencaps of the said video!
Also, there are added screencaps from other BTS video! 

Below are the screencaps PKissers!

Whew! That's a lot of screencaps! 
Well, I do hope that we will be seeing more  BTS from Playful Kiss!
Its such a joy seeing them doing things behind the camera!
Its makes us appreciate the drama more because we see how they worked 
so hard to give us the best that they could offer!

credit: firebird of baidu