
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Playful Kiss Short BTS Video!

Wah! Finally! And ladies and gentlemen we are back in business! 
Blogger has been down for a day so haven't done any updates
 and the latest updates as per May 12 haven't returned yet.
 So for now we do have a short BTS of Playful Kiss, 
and you all know how I love PK BTS!

Below is the video!

Even though the BTS is kinda short, it showed how happy
 and lovely the atmosphere of Playful Kiss while filming the drama.
 Its so adorable to see Hyun Joong so attached to Choi Won Hong (Eun Jo)! 
We also know that So Min simple adore Choi Won Hong, 
as you may remember Won Hong did visit So Min in her house before.
 Also and So Min goofing along with them, its just priceless to watch!

credit: citesidn of youtube