
Saturday, May 21, 2011

So Min's Other Pictures from Bad Guy!

As of the moment I'm re-watching Playful Kiss for I don't-count-anymore-times 
and after this I'm planning to re-watch Bad Guy for the sake of seeing So Min in a drama! 

And for that below are her pictures from Bad Guy that I haven't posted yet!

Let's see it Minnies!

Pretty, pretty, pretty! I'm preparing to myself to re-watch Bad Guy, 
I'm re-watching it even though the story is such a big mess still I love the actors in it!
And it will have a soft spot in my heart because this is where I got to watch So Min 
and got impressed by her! Please So Min have another drama the soonest! 
We miss you alot!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi


Another Batch of Bricks BTS Pics!

And the old is new again! Since MinMin is taking her time as she is still busy in school. 
Been checking out her old pictures from her ads and projects.
Now we got some pictures from her Bricks Ads!

Below are her pics!

Thanks to snowflakesj16 of soompi for posting this! 
I really love So Min's Bricks Ads! 
Its fun, beautiful and so lady like! Just like So Min! 
I just really hope to see more of her in more endorsements! Love it!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi