
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Screencaps of PK Making Part 3!

Been lurking in soompi Jung So Min thread when I saw the post of chanel05! 
The post where screencaps from the Making Playful Kiss DVD Vol 1 & 2! 
And you just can't believe my smile after seeing the screencaps! 

Below are the screencaps!

MinMin is such a sensible girl! She uses her time wisely! Reading while waiting!

I wonder what book she's reading!
 Can't somebody help me to find out?

WOW! Truth to be told, it kinda hurt if you do stretch like that and
 you don't do it often, so it only means that MinMin is really into physical wellness
because it seems like it doesn't hurt! So cool! 

Hyun Joong-ah, for what I see your scene has already ended but
why you are still holding her wrist?

MinMin and her wonderful smile! So lovely!


I know the kiss-in-the-rain scene was shot until wee hours but happy to see that both of them seem to have fun times!

The famous blanket and the adorable PK couple!
Its just epic! ^_^

Thank you so much chanel05 for posting this in soompi!!! 
You don't know how many Minnies, PKissers and HyunMins you have made happy
 because of these screencaps! Now I'm really dying to watch the Making Playful Kiss DVD! 

credit: chanel05 of soompi jung so min thread


Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong for Playful Kiss in Japan 02Aug!

After the wonderful and spazz worthy May 3-4 Playful Kiss Japan Fan Meeting 
and Presscon, the ever lovely Playful Kiss couple would be back in Japan! 
As per the information from Cinemart, it will have 2 sessions just like 
what happened to Osaka! 

Below is the announcement!

And I'm smiling like a loony for this confirmation! I'm happy to know that even though
 its still months away we Minnies and PKissers have something to look forward to!  
I know its gonna be awesome! Can't wait for August 02!!!

credits: kathy's bench
snowflakesj16 of soompi