
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jung So Min's Other SK II Pics!

And still the goodies from MinMin's SK II endorsements are coming!!!
Now we do have additional pictures from the SK II/CeCi Premiere Beauty Book
and from sponsor as well!

Sponsor pic!

SK II/CeCi Premiere Beauty Book

And also good news to all Jung So Min's fans as MinMin would 
have her own Fan Meeting soon!
Below are the few details! Big thanks to Pearl for this news!

The date still not fixed, but maybe from September - November.
From now, Raffine is raising a fund for this event.The fanmeeting will only for 60 - 70 members.Children and grandparents of the fans can attend for free

Woah!!! Im super excited for MinMin's own fan meeting!!! 
Even though I highly doubt I can be there 
(due to geographic circumstances! But still wishing I could!)
Still I'm happy that MinMin will be able to be with her fans 
and able to share a moment with them!
Hope that the fan meeting will be a great success!

And speaking of fan meeting, Aug 02 is nearing!
The Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo is coming!
Please support the PK Couple!!!

credits: mijoo-pearl and snowflakesj16 of soompi

Jung So Min's Other CeCi Mag Pics!

OMG!!! MinMin is so freaking cute!!! 
I feel I wanted to pinch her cheeks!
Now we do have some additional picutres for her CeCi Mag spread for August!

                               I really wanted to have the CeCi magazine for August so bad!!!
MinMin have such wonderful pictures in them!!!
Just look at the first picture! 
Her laugh seems so infectious!
I love it!!!!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi

Jung So Min's Photos from SK II Event Part12!

And photos are still coming!!!
We still have some photos from the SK II CF Event!
We are now in its batch 12! Amazing isn't it? ^_^

Batch 12!

Its amazing right?
 Its been almost a month now since the SK II CF Event 
and yet pictures are still pouring in!
And I truly like it! Hope there  are more too come! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi