
Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Favorite MinMin's Cyworld Updates!

I know that we all love the Cyworld updates of our resident love MinMin!
Its our way of having a connection to her even though she don't have projects
 as of the moment 
And Minmin usually don't fail to update! 
And because of that below are my favorites pictures updates!

The pictures are in random order!

Who would not love this pic right? ^_^

Serious? I don't think so!
Still looking pretty under the rain!

Oh so fashionable and lovely my dear MinMin!

MinMin and her trademark cute pout!

Need to say why I love this pic?
I say no need right?

Serious? Hmmmmm....

Love this pic! Look so melodramatic!

Who can resist that beauty doing such a cute pout!

Such a pretty college lady!

Looking so cool with the sunglasses!

MinMin looking so adorable! Its like she's imitating a cat!

What a lovely sight! And I'm not talking about the scenery!

Aigoo!!! So cute!

You little cute puppy! You are so lucky to have a master like MinMin!

Well Minnies as you see that's my favorites Cyworld update pictures
 from our princess MinMin!
What I really love about her Cyworld is that MinMin able to share herself to
 us even by little
It helps us to know her more even just bit by bit! 
And besides who doesn't want a wonderful update from such a fine and beautiful lady? 
Well I really hope that in the future we could see more Cyworld updates!

credit: jung so min cyworld