
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jung So Min's Magazine Scan Pic!

I don't really know where this magazine scan came from but our dear MinMin 
is so beautiful in the picture in the magazine scan that I decided to post it!

Below is the magazine scan!

This pretty picture was tagged by my dear dongsaeng Jeanneth and 
care off from the site of my dear friend Pearl of
So, thanks again Pearl!
Been missing MinMin more and more!
Really hope to get some news from her soon!
 Love you MinMin!

credits: pearl of
jeanneth of FB

MinMin's Cyworld Update 16Oct!

Sorry my dear Minnies didn't have the chance to do an update yesterday
I did have a sort of call of duty yesterday that's why I wasn't online  ^_^
And now I'm kinda feeling sick so I'm kinda tied to my bed 
and be just online! Kekekeke!

And MinMin did update her Cyworld so it makes me 
so happy even though Im sick!

Below are her update!

I know I have posted this pictures before which were care off my dear friend Pearl 
but this time, its MinMin who were the one updated these pics in her Cyworld!!
Glad that MinMin did share some her pics from the play!
Hope there is more! ^_^
And MinMin, I wonder if you got our gifts already, I really hope you did!

credits: jungsomin's cyworld
snowflakesj16 of soompi