
Monday, November 7, 2011

Jung So Min's Pics from Suecomma Bonnie Presentation Show for FS S/S 2012

Got some additional pictures from the Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2012!
These were from the Suecomma Bonnie presentation show!

Below are the pics!

Can you spot our princess?

I know MinMin  was not the focus in this shot but MinMin is still there so I did include it!
And besides MinMin looking so absorbed in the show!

And here's our princess! Why looking so serious MinMin?
I'm hoping for more pictures!
More! More! More! Demanding much? Kinda! ^_^
Well, I just want to see more of our dear MinMin!
This lovely lady deserves to be in the spotlight!

Thanks Pearl for sharing the pics!
mi joo kim of facebook

Jung So Min's Old Interview with Section TV!

I think we have posted this way before but since I'm re-watching 
almost all of MinMin's old interview
I decided to post this again because its one of my favorite interview of MinMin!

Below is the interview!

I love this interview because its very candid!
MinMin is such a sweetheart but so witty as well!
A truly such a classy young lady!
Aigoo! I'm missing this girl so much!

credits: jangkisssubs2 of youtube
Kjuice0607 for translations

Jung So Min's Sponsor: Coming Step

I think we all agreed how stunning MinMin when she paved 
her way to the last Seoul Fashion Week 
And that beautiful coat she's wearing was from brand Coming Step!

Below is the pic!

I really love the coat on MinMin!
She really carries herself well!
Hope for more sponsorship and even endorsements for our lovely MinMin!

Thanks my dear Pearl for sharing!

credits: coming step
mi joo kim from facebook