
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

[HD VID] Jung So Min(정소민) & Sung Jun (성준) - Can We Get Married Behind the Scene


우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 [귀요미 주인공(성준,정소민) 커플] 
우결수 메이킹 [up!] 15세이상 시청

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

(정소민) Jung So Min's Can We Get Married Episode 9 & 10 Previews!

We got some previews of Episode 9 and 10 of Can We Get Married!

In episode 9, to be honest, I don't like what I saw on the preview as MinMin (Hye Yoon) is being scolded by her supposed mother-in-law?  I wonder what happened this time?

And by that I suddenly miss Mama Baek!
I know, I know, I'm not suppose to be comparing but I just can't help it!
Well, 'coz as we all know, Mama Baek is the coolest, the sweetest 
and most awesome mother-in-law their is!
Just having a shout out to you Mama Baek!
The PKissers misses you! ^_^

And in Episode 10, Hye Yoon, seems to be having some vomiting days coming?
Hmmm, let's all watch to find out! :P

credits: jtbcdrama @youtube

Episode 9!

Episode 10

Monday, November 26, 2012

[HD] Jung So Min (정소민) as Hye Yoon (혜윤) - Can We Get Married Behind the Scene (우결수)

Jung So Min ( Can We Get Married Behind the Scene )

우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 [밤샘 촬영중인 정훈(성준)&혜윤(정소민)] 우결수 현장영상

Friday, November 23, 2012

[HD Scan] Jung So Min (정소민) featured on JSTYLE Magazine Vol.4

Thank you so Much Eonni Mich for the Jstyle Magazine!!
Really Owe you big time :) 
Sorry for the late post. been sooo busy this month.. ^_^

Yay!!! Hope you could Join US for the food support for Somin on her latest Drama
Can We Get Married?

Click here for more details :)

Click Photos to view Larger ^_^
(twitter: @princessmich123)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

SimplySoMin and JSM Raffine Food Support Project!

To All Minnies,

Hi Minnies!

How are you our dear Minnies? Hope you all are doing great!

Well, as you all know, our dear MinMin is currently busy with the filming of
 her current drama  Can We Get Married?

Of course as her Minnies, we wanted to show and express our support to her, one of the means the we are thinking to do this is by doing a 
Food Support Project.

Fortunately, our friends from JSM Raffine is lending their helping hand
in making this happen. 

As to those who don't know, JUNG SO MIN Raffine is the 
Korean Fan Club of Jung So Min.

But as we all know, doing this kind of Food Support Project requires 
financial assistance, so we are asking your help.

Any kind of assistance would be gladly appreciated and rest assured that all the assistance given will be acknowledge and  will go to the project itself.

If you have further question regarding the Food Support Project, 
you can leave a comment, or just kindly email us at
you can also direct message us at twitter thru @simplysomin. 

By doing this project, it will surely make MinMin happy!
And hopefully she'll be more inspired! ^_^

Thank you in advance our dear Minnies!

with lots of love,

simplysomin admins :)


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

[ Official Photos] Jung So Min(정소민) as Hye Yoon (혜윤) Trying Out Her Beautiful Wedding Dress For Can We Get Married (우리가 결혼할 수 있을까) Episode 7

Really Love all the Photos!!!!!

9:50 KST


Ohh My... i really Love this photo... 
soooo Dramatic... ^^

[Official Photos] Jung So Min (정소민) and Sung Jun on Can We Get Married (우리가 결혼할 수 있을까) Episode 8

Every Monday and Tuesday (9:50 KST)


(Scene Pics) Jung So Min(정소민) and Sung Joon's Movie date in Can We Get Married

After posting about the BTS, we have now the scene shots from 
MinMin's movie date with Sung Joon!
If my memory serves me right, this is already the third time MinMin 
had a movie date in a show/drama!
Ok, I'll stop counting and go on in watching Can We Get Married!

But, I'll just say that I'm loving the drama so much, how the storyline gets better 
and how the characters pull me into loving them! I hope you all Minnies, 
feel the same way too! ^_^


(BTS Pics) Jung So Min(정소민) with Sung Joon for Can We Get Married?

Gosh I miss doing this!
I miss blogging about MinMin and happy that now I got to do it again!

Enough of me talking and let's go on in updating!
Below are the pics of MinMin with Sung Joon!
The set of pics were from their movie date, I think! ^_^

As always, MinMin is beautiful!


I super love this pic!
Super lovely!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

[JTBC Highlights] Jung So Min (정소민) as Hye Yun Looking Pretty in her White Wedding Gown "Soon to be Married?"

[JTBC Highlights] Jung So Min (정소민) as 
Hye Yun Looking Pretty in her White Wedding Gown
"Soon to be Married?"

JTBC 월화극 ( 우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 ) 
Credits: NATE NEWS (No Logo)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jung So Min Twitter Photo Update [November 17, 2012]

Yay!!!!! Somin!! What a Lovely Bride!!!! :))
Cant' wait for this Episode on CAN WE GET MARRIED!!!

Credits: @h_monet
오랜만의 트윗❤

Friday, November 16, 2012

( 정소민) Jung So Min tries her Gown for her Upcoming Wedding...

Oh my God!! I cannot wait to watch this Episosde!!!!
Looking FAB!!

Credits: MR. CWGM PD ^^

Thank you for Sharing ~~~
Please do not put any tag on the Photo ~ Thanks :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

(정소민) Jung So Min Will Attend "Kim Nam Gil 1st Japan Tour" on January 2013 (Bad guy Event)

thanks dear Miki and Suki ^^

Jung So Min will Attend "Kim Nam Gil's 1st Japan Tour" on January 2013

It is announced that Oh Yeansu and Jung Somin who co-starred in a  TV drama "Bad Guy" as the special guest and "Lambsey" the group which sing the theme song of the "Bad Guy" will join the long-awaited the 1st Japan fan event of Kim NamGil after he left the military . 

This fan event will be held in Tokyo from Jan.5 to Jan.6,2013, Jan.8 to Jan.9 in Osaka, Jan.12 in Nagoya.

Oh Yeansu will only Guest in Tokyo, Jung Somin and Lambsey will join all the said events.

January 5 and 6 - Tokyo 
January 8 and 9 - Osaka
January 12 - Nagoya

Kim Nam Gil 1st Japan Tour With 「赤と黒」

※ゲスト出演決定! (Guest performer)
(Guest: Jung So Min, Ramzi)


●東京国際フォーラム ホールA
2013年1月5日(土) 18:00開場/19:00開演
2013年1月6日(日) 14:00開場/15:00開演
(問)ディスクガレージ 050-5533-0888 (12:00~19:00)

2013年1月8日(火) 18:30開場/19:00開演
2013年1月9日(水) 18:30開場/19:00開演
(問)キョードーインフォメーション 06-7732-8888 (10:00~19:00)

●愛知県芸術劇場 大ホール
2013年1月12日(土) 13:30開場/14:00開演
(問)サンデーフォークプロモーション 052-320-9100 (10:00~18:00)

チケット料金:全席指定 9,800円(税込)
チケット発売:一般発売日 2012年12月2日(日)


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[Full Vid] Jung So Min (정소민) - 우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 Can We Get Married BTS


[Full Vid] Jung So Min (정소민) - 우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 Can We Get Married BTS
우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 [2회] 관련 TV클립 (7 Minutes)

[HD] Jung So Min (정소민) - JTBC 우리가 결혼할 수 있을까 Can We Get Married Presscon

Sorry for the late REUPLOAD of this Video.
I deleted my Old youtube Account.~


Monday, November 12, 2012

[Preview] Jung So Min (정소민) with JennyHouse Stylist Ji Moon (제이스타일매거진 2012 VOL 4)

제이스타일매거진 2012 VOL 4 _ 정소민,손예진,박진희의 정크푸드 티셔츠

제니하우스에서 발행하는 제이스타일매거진~!
많은 스타들의 화보 속에 정크푸드의 티셔츠가 등장했습니다.

Can't wait for the Magazines to arrive^^

미키마우스가 익살스럽게 프린팅된 정크푸드 라글란 티셔츠를 입은 정소민!
정소민의 익살스러운 표정과 너무 잘 어울려요 +_+