
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy 2nd Anniversary Playful Kiss! ^_^

As I look at the date it gets me excited as the so called "ber" months are here not only because its nearing christmas but it marks the month of September! 

What so special about September you ask?
 Well, because its the month Playful Kiss was aired 2 years ago!
Yup! Its been 2 years since Playful Kiss grace the small screen in Korea!
But for me, it feels like just yesterday when I fell inlove with Playful Kiss,
 Kim Hyun Joong and of course Jung So Min! 

I vividly remember how I laugh with Oh Hani's antics

how I got irritated with Baek Seung Jo's indifference with Oh Hani

how I adore Mama Baek's romantic plans for Han and Seung Jo

how I like Eun Jo's insight even though he's a kid

how I admire Bong Joon Gu's love for Oh Hani

how I approved Hera's straight forward attitude

how the Hani and Appa bonding tug my heart

how I cheer with Hani with her friends

how I love that in the end Seung Jo can't live with Hani by his side

Actually I could just go on and on and on  about the things that I love Playful Kiss
because we have so many of them!
But I think you all knew that because same as I am, you also fell inlove with them!

When ever I feel sad or lonely just few scenes from PK and I just could not help but smile

Playful Kiss gives me reasons to smile, gives me views on having hope, believing in faith, it also showed that hard work do paid off and that love has its time and reason.

I have mentioned this I think hundred times already
but I'm gonna say it again, Playful Kiss is my ultimate drama love

Playful Kiss has been a wonderful part not only of my k-drama life
but also my real life, as it it helps me to gain new friends, met new wonderful people
and experienced life changing events!

I considered Playful Kiss as a blessing in disguise as it leads 
me to love Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min more! 

I promise to myself to continue to support and love them until the end!
And Playful Kiss will always have a special spot in my heart 
and I do hope for you guys its also the same!

And by the way PKissers, since its Playful Kiss 2nd year anniversary,
 if you have any fan arts, fanvids, poems or any works of art that Playful Kiss 
related that you wanted to share, just leave it in the comment tab or email it to, might able to post those work of art! 

Again PKissers, HyunMins, Henecians and Minnies, thank you for being a part 
my Playful Kiss journey, you guys have been great! 
And just continue to share and spread the Playful Kiss love until the end!

with lots of love,
