
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jung So Min's Photos from SK II Event Part13!

And the pictures are still coming from SK II CF Event!
Can you believe that?!
Hopefully in MinMin's coming events the pouring of pictures will be the same!

Below is the Batch 13!

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So many pictures of MinMin makes me a happy such a happy Minnie!
Super love it!!!
Please MinMin announce your comeback soon!
We really misses you!!!!

credits: kyra of soompi


So Min's Random Pics!

While waiting for the most awaited Playful Kiss Fan Meeting on Aug. 02
We do have some random pictures from our resident love MinMin!

Below are her random pics!

Sponsor Pics!

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CeCi Mag pic!

I'm highly anticipating the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting 
because I'm looking forward to the pouring rain of pictures! 
Surely MinMin will be at her best at the Playful Kiss fan meeting!
So freaking excited about it!!! ^_^


credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi
snowflakesj16b of soompi
may of

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Minmin's Recommended Songs for Naver!

I want to thank the certain anon who shared the link on Kathy's Bench chatbox!

I am so in love with her choice of songs!

So basing from her playlist, Her top 3 songs are:

IM YOURS By Jason Mraz

Lucky by Jason Mraz

And Na Yoon Know's Weak Man:

Now i know Minmin loves Jason Mraz even before.. But I know a certain someone who just recently said that he is very fond of Jason Mraz's Music.... hmmmm

Now I also am fond of Minmin's number 9 fave song! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Background 28Jul!

Sorry my dear Minnies if this post is kinda late!
This post was supposed to be for yesterday for as they say its better late than never!
MinMin did change her Cyworld background yesterday with another Bad Guy theme!

Below is her update!

It seems to me that MInMin misses her Bad Guy drama, 
maybe she misses making drama that's why!
Well, I'm really excited for the month of August!
So many things are happening for MinMin
One is the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Japan
and some says that after the fan meeting in Japan 
she would announce her drama comeback!
I'm keeping my fingers and even my toes for that great news!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi
jung so min's cyworld

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Playful Kiss MV!

As a nod to the upcoming Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo
We do have now a fanvid from our favorite K-drama OTP!

Enjoy the fanvid PKissers!

As I mentioned I'm so happy that the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo 
will push thruand both of them will be there!
I hope this time videos of MinMin will be seen more and 
I do hope she will dance in the fan meeting so wecan see again her dancing prowess!

Added pic! 

I know its no Playful Kiss related but MinMin got picture from her SK II endorsement!

Isn't she lovely? ^_^

credits: megapararua7 of youtube
mijoo-pearl of soompi

Jung So Min for Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo!

And its confirm ladies and gentlemen!
Yahoo!!!! MinMin is gonna be at the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo!
Jung So Min's Raffine made the announcement!

You know this news really brings a huge smile on my face!
The time that we miss MinMin will surely end as we will see more of her on Aug 02!
MinMin will be in Japan from Aug. 01-03! 
Surely the Japanese fans are so lucky!

I'm so freaking excited!!!

credits: Jung So Min Raffine
mijoo-pearl of soompi

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Open Letter To Jung So Min....

Since we are still waiting for the return of our dearest MinMin in the K-dramaland 
I decided to create a letter...
A letter just to simply express how MinMin touched my life and how I miss her....

Dearest So Min,

To be honest, I really don't know whether this letter would reach to you...
I don't even know if you will got to know that there's such an open letter meant for you...
But it really doesn't matter...
For me, as long as I have express what I feel, then consider me ok!

It's been a year since I've seen your face across the screen for the drama Bad Guy as you played the role of the bratty princess Hong Mo Nae, I did you find pretty and a good actress for a newbie but never thought in my wildest K-drama addiction dreams that I'll be following you in every little possible way that I can...

Well blame it to a "little" drama called Playful Kiss, that "little" drama whom you star as one of its lead and played the ever bubbly, clumsy but lovely Oh Hani! After I watched you play Oh Hani flawlessly and with much heart and lovely expressions I can say  that I fall for your charm!

And also as you play Oh Hani, I slowly got to know who Jung So Min is. 
And this is the Jung So Min that I know...

The Jung So Min whose smart, the one who knows what she wants and really goes for it...
The Jung So Min who have a graceful and lovely presence...
The Jung So Min who is funny and have a playful side as well...
The Jung So Min who have a good heart...
The Jung So Min who have such an infectious laughter and smile....
The Jung So Min who is caring towards her friends and family...
The Jung So Min who can easily be touch by the simplest gesture...
The Jung So Min who have a free and brave spirit...
The Jung So Min who is young but have this air of certain maturity...
The Jung So Min that will fight for what she believes in...
The Jung So Min who is simple yet extraordinary...
The Jung So Min who loves unconditionally....
The Jung So Min who have a beautiful soul....

By knowing the little things about you made me realize that a girl can be everything she wanted to be. As long as you do everything with good intentions and with a heart. And because of that you inspired me to be a better person. Your supposed to be younger than me yet sometimes watching you, listening to your spoken words its helps me to gain new and other perspective in life. I really love how you see things differently!

You help me tapped the other new world for me, who would have thought in less than a year
 I could do these things when before last year I have no intention and no idea how to handle one! 

I truly believe that you tend to bring out the best of things in a person! You have such a positive magnetic pull that when people see and meet you, you tend to give them positive inspiration!

That is why I'm really miss seeing you on screen! I don't regularly see your smile inducing pretty face!
And your wonderful personality that is truly lovely! 

I really hope you would be back soon, your lovely presence is really miss by many of your fans!

I really love you MinMin, you are like a little sister I never had!
That's why rest assured that when you make a comeback me and all of your fans will be behind supporting you in every step of the way! 

MinMin, lastly I just really wanted to thank you...for being an inspiration, a role model, a sister like image for me..and of course THANK YOU for being YOU! 

As I end this letter, I only wish you happiness, peace of mind and love that you truly deserve.
Take care of yourself and God Bless you!

with all my sisterly love,


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jung So Min's Other SK II Pics!

And still the goodies from MinMin's SK II endorsements are coming!!!
Now we do have additional pictures from the SK II/CeCi Premiere Beauty Book
and from sponsor as well!

Sponsor pic!

SK II/CeCi Premiere Beauty Book

And also good news to all Jung So Min's fans as MinMin would 
have her own Fan Meeting soon!
Below are the few details! Big thanks to Pearl for this news!

The date still not fixed, but maybe from September - November.
From now, Raffine is raising a fund for this event.The fanmeeting will only for 60 - 70 members.Children and grandparents of the fans can attend for free

Woah!!! Im super excited for MinMin's own fan meeting!!! 
Even though I highly doubt I can be there 
(due to geographic circumstances! But still wishing I could!)
Still I'm happy that MinMin will be able to be with her fans 
and able to share a moment with them!
Hope that the fan meeting will be a great success!

And speaking of fan meeting, Aug 02 is nearing!
The Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Tokyo is coming!
Please support the PK Couple!!!

credits: mijoo-pearl and snowflakesj16 of soompi

Jung So Min's Other CeCi Mag Pics!

OMG!!! MinMin is so freaking cute!!! 
I feel I wanted to pinch her cheeks!
Now we do have some additional picutres for her CeCi Mag spread for August!

                               I really wanted to have the CeCi magazine for August so bad!!!
MinMin have such wonderful pictures in them!!!
Just look at the first picture! 
Her laugh seems so infectious!
I love it!!!!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi

Jung So Min's Photos from SK II Event Part12!

And photos are still coming!!!
We still have some photos from the SK II CF Event!
We are now in its batch 12! Amazing isn't it? ^_^

Batch 12!

Its amazing right?
 Its been almost a month now since the SK II CF Event 
and yet pictures are still pouring in!
And I truly like it! Hope there  are more too come! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jung So Min MV: Oh Hani the Bride!

And the wait continues! 
As we wait for the princess to re-surface
We got some fanvid! Saw this at 
and luckily our good friend Pearl did upload this to YouTube!

I know its still in the bit far future but I suddenly wonder 
how MinMin would look like in her wedding day
I bet she will be glowing with happiness and love!
And will be so beautiful! 
Ok, enough of wondering! Hehehehe!
MinMin please be back soon! 
So I will stop wondering on those kind of things! ^_^

lovesomin of youtube

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jung So Min's Other High Cut 2010 Pics!

As of the moment we are all waiting for the announcement of MinMin's new project
We do review few of her old works
Now we do have her pictures from her High Cut Spread!

Below are the pics!

We really miss you our dearest MinMin!!!
I'm so excited for your announcement of your new project!
I bet you too are excited to be back onscreen!
And again, looking forward for the Aug 02!!! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi
snowflakesj16 of soompi
may of