Sorry for such a fangirl reaction but our dearest Minmin updated her Cyworld on Jan. 02, 2011 with lots of Playful Kiss Selca pics!
Its good to see her own Playful Kiss Selca pics and with Lee Tae Sung as well.
But of course nothing beats the Selca pic with Kim Hyun Joong which really brings out the Hyunmin Shipper in me!
It makes me miss them more!!!
I miss my Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani!
Please comeback with Season 2 of Playful Kiss!
My favorite couple!
Oh Hani and Beak Seung Jo!
If my PK memory serves me right this was during
the Jeju Honeynoon on Episode 15
I LOVE episode 15 and I know you all know why!
Spazz galore HyunMins!
Minmin with her Lee Tae Sung sunbae!
And of course the Selca pics of her adorable self!
I think this is during the filming of the honeymoon scene
Pouting b'coz your tired of practicing the "carry scene"?
But in the scene, your not the one who did the carrying right?
MinMin please don't stare and pout at us with that doe eyes of yours
You know we can't resist you if you do that, right Baek Seung Jo? |
The beautiful bride of Baek Seung Jo
MinMin during that time, seems like she's glowing like a true bride!
I suddenly wonder what you will look like if you marry in real life MinMin
Hmmm, now it got me curious!
If you will be the replacement of Santa Claus,
can you grant my wish that PK will have its season 2?
I've been a good PKisser and promise to continue to be a good one
so I hope you will grant it!
Well, there you have it! I hope she would update her Cyworld with more pictures!
But I'm curious about one thing, MinMin updated her Cyworld and he just posted a message.........nah! Its just coincidence!
Don't mind me! I'm just being playful and curious! Hahahahaha!
credits: jsominchina.com, snowflakesj16 and mijoo-pearl of soompi, cyworld