
Friday, February 25, 2011

So Min's O'live Travel GIF's Part 2!

I had a field day when squishiee told me that she gonna make MinMin's GIF's from 
her O'live Travel episode 'coz you all know how i love GIF's!

And must agree to squishiee as well when she said that its so fun to 
create some GIF from MinMin because she  does have wonderful expressions!

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MinMin's expressions varies from scared, funny, cute and adorable!

Excited for the episode 10 of her O'live Travel!
Surely we will see more of her wonderful expressions!

credit: squishiee!!!!
komapta squishiee!


MInMin Cyworld Status 24Feb!

Well, not only did upload lots of pictures but also its change status time!

Our dearest MinMin changed her status from HAPPY with a flower now its a
 beating pink heart and says TINGLED OR FLUSTERED.

Also she did change her background!
The cat and the little girl is gone and now replaced
by the girl playing the guitar.

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This is her new Cyworld Background!

Her status is TINGLED/FLUSTERED again!

I wonder what makes our lovely MinMin TINGLED/FLUSTERED?
And how cute is the beating pink heart?

Does it mean that she have a very happy heart these days?
I really hope so! ^_^

screencap: jeankaycee
credit: jungsomin's cyworld, mijoo-pearl of soompi


More of O'live Travel Pics!

Pictures from MinMin's O'live Travel is pouring in and the Minnies are sure loving it!

She really did enjoy every bit of her Japan experience!
Seeing the happy smile on her face and even her eyes!

Below are her other pics!
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These two are just plain adorable!

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Love her expression here!
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They are mimicking the cats behind them! CUTE!

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Aigoo! SO B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

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Having a grand time just like a kid!

I love her bond with her bestfriend!
They seem to have such a great friendship!
And I love seeing this side of MinMin, so loving towards her friend!

Can I be your friend MinMin? ^_^

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi
            o'live travel tv


MinMin Cyworld Update 24Feb!

Here we are again guys! Its update time!

MinMin just uploaded more of her pictures in her Cyworld!!!
And as usual she looking so lovely!
And her fashion senses are simple yet chic!

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Good to know that MinMin did update these pictures during night time and not
her usual 2am-3am routine update!

Maybe MinMin is also scared to resemble a panda! ^_^

credits: jungsomin's cyworld
           snowflakesj16 of soompi!