
Monday, May 9, 2011

Another Video from the Playful Kiss Presscon!

And another video is here! We have again another video from the Playful Kiss Japan Presscon!
Most of it covers Hyun Joong but thankfully we can also have a glimpse of So Min!

Below is the video!

As we still having videos being release in public, I do take it as that people are still interested in Playful Kiss and its leads Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min which for me is a great thing!
Hoping to see the whole video of the Playful Kiss presscon!

credit: thejoongjoong of youtube

Playful Kiss Japan Press Conference News-CEN Video

We are still having slew of news and videos from the Playful Kiss Japan Presscon!
And now we do have video that is from a news channel!

Below is the video!

The video was mostly focused in Hyun Joong but still So Min was there so wherever So Min is we will post it! I'm still desperate in finding the video of So Min singing! Hopefully people from Playful Kiss Japan would be nice enough to share even just snippets of it!

credit: yyy148b