
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Letter from Jung So Min!

I never thought that this day would come, MinMin did send us a letter letting us know her thoughts about own little birthday gift for her last birthday! 
MinMin's message was sent thru Raffine!
Thanks to my dear sister Pearl for tipping me regarding the letter!

Below is her letter!

To, Simply somin blog spot's minnies

Hello this is Somin!
I guess this would be a first letter to my Phillipine fans~
Today I have finally received the CD and the album that you all have made for me for my birthday. ^^
Getting them after 5 months made me excited since it felt like I was celebrating another birthday!

First of all, thank you so much.
Thank you and I truly admire you all.
Doing such a meaningful work on my birthday, I felt so greatful for it. Practicing these wonderful job just for a person like me made me so proud of Minnies.

Free examinations and drugs to cupcakes and gifts... and most of all, spending such a wonderful day with the children these all have touched me greatly. It would have been nice if I was able to be there.
I saw the video clip and tears came down as I watched the kids sing and dance.
How lovely and adorable are they. ^^
Thanks to Minnies I will be remembered as a nice person to them even though I have not done anything to help.
Compared to my fans Minnies, I am a lacking person.... so I'll try harder to become a better one. T.T
The gift was valuable than any of the b-day presents I have gotten before. ^^

Until a few years ago, I had been visiting facilities myself on my b-days.
My parents taught me that I should do a meaningful act on my birthday.
Ever since they have taught me this, on every birthday they took me to facillities and I would spend the day with many children.

It's been years since I haven't visited them.
I went back through the past years and rethought about those years after watching the clip.
Next year I should go visit them.^^
I miss the children~.
Someday I wish to open a party for the kids on my b-day. This is a new dream that's occurred to me after Watching Minnies.
Thank you for letting me keep a new sweet dream~

This is just a personal thing but I have been visiting Simply Somin very often ever since I have known about it. ^^
Thank you again for the abundant resources and the posts! Hope to see you soon with more attractive works on screen.
Thank you all for your patience.

I love you the great "Minnies"!!!!

Just Added!!! MinMin did edit her message and added this message!

P.S . In addition, to thank all my foreign fans~~~~~~~~~~~
Love you all~~~~~~~~~~~!!^^*

To be honest, until now I can't believe MinMin did write a letter for us
The first time that I have read the letter tears just can't help but flow from my eyes
It such a wonderful feeling to know that MinMin knows how much we love her
And that she appreciates all the effort, support and love that we have for her

To my fellow Minnies,

Minnies, guys! Thank you all for your support for the So Min Birthday project
without your help, pledges, messages and prayers this project would not be a success!

To my K-Bench angels,

Angels, you know who you are, This is it!
 Again thank you for your wonderful efforts for making the
 So Min Birthday project a success! A hats off to all of you guys!
You all deserve a standing ovation and lots of round of applause!
I love you my dear K-Bench angels!

To our dearst MinMin, 

Thank you, you don't know how happy we are that you took such 
a great effort in writing us a letter
This letter will be forever treasured by your Minnies

I do promise that I will always be here for you in every step of the way
supporting you in every projects and decisions that you will make
I love you and will just be here continuing to wish and pray that you will have
that you truly deserve!

Jung So Min Singing in Playful Kis Osaka Fan Meeting!

I did post the video of MinMin singing few parts of her song from the 
Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Osaka last May
Now we do have the full version of it thanks to my wonderful co-angel Jeanneth!

Below is the video!

Aigoo MinMin! You are surely such a ball of pure adorableness!
And MinMin have a sweet singing voice so maybe there is a possibility 
to also venture in the filed of singing
What do you think Minnies? 

credits: youko
jeanneth of k-bench angels