
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HyunMin Fanvid: I Love You!

Sorry Minnies, I'm bombarding you with all HyunMin fanvids! I just can't help it!
I'm inlove with them! LOL!
Below is the video made by one of my dearest dongsaeng, Jeanneth! 
Hope you like it!

And also as you will notice, I change the banner of the blog
that banner was courtesy of our dear friend Milo!
Thanks Milo for the banner! ^_^

credit: jeanneth of youtube

Playful Kiss MV: Perfect Two!

We I know you all did love MinMin's update yesterday and
 still have still hang over to it
So now just to show some love for Playful Kiss, we do have a fanvid 
or course for the OTP that we all love!

Below is the video!

I like the song Perfect Two! Because it really reflects to the story of 
Oh Hani and Baek Seung Jo
because although they don't particularly have a similarity yet 
they really all in love with each other!
Its just really like a lid and a pot, if its meant for you then nobody can change that!

credit: mygenie18 of youtube