
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Videos Part 5-6 with Subs!

And the showing of Playful Kiss love continues!
As we have here the part 5-6 of the subbed Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting!
So without further ado below are the videos!

Yay! The part 5-6 are already subbed! To the one making the subs
 for these videos we really owe you one!
What a way to end my already happy day even got some bruises on the side,
 it didn't dampen my happy day because my dear MinMin 
and Hyun Joong makes my night more happier!
Just really love love love these two alot!

credits: yjh0606 of youtube
kathy's bench 

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Pics!

And I'm back again from the hunting expedition!
Now we got some Playful Kiss love as we have now few Playful Kiss 
Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS pics!
Its much but MinMin is there so, I love it still!

Below are the pics!

The adorable two were so focused on what they were watching!
I wonder what they were watching?

Awww they were watching MinMin while rehearsing!

Our dear MinMin! So cute!

Yah! Hyun Joong-ssh what were you looking at? 
 As we have the BTS pictures I hope they would share the video itself!
I'm dying to watch it because you all know how I love BTS when it comes from Playful Kiss!
I wonder what's in store in that BTS! Well I do hope I won't be wondering for too long!
