
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Birthday our dear MinMin! ^^ We Love you :)

One year has passed since we celebrated MinMin's birthday with a charity event...and now, we are again very busy preparing for MinMin's birthday. Despite our busy professional lives, we still find time to prepare for all makes me wonder, what makes us do this?? why?? what drives us?? is it all really worth it??

All of this questions only leads to one thing... MINMIN
We so love her that we want to make her birthday not just unforgettable, but also meaningful. 

what it is with her that makes us love her?

Most would say because she is pretty....some would say because she is talented....still others say because she is truly a fashionista...but whatever our reasons may be, our love for her binds us in a way that we want only the best for her.

And now, its your birthday again, dear MinMin, I don't know if you will be able to read this (I really hope you would), but we, at simply somin would like to wish you a very happy birthday... more than that like you've never lived before
......laugh like you've never laughed before like you'll never love again

We do hope that the things that we do would bring smile on your face not only on your birthday but in every days of your life, we love you MinMin!

And please stay happy and keep that smile on your face always!

with all our love,
SimplySoMin admins ^_^
[Jeankaycee - Kathy - Vinz - Jeanneth - Mela]



Dear Minmin,


I cant believe it had been 2 years already since I last celebrated your birthday with my fellow Minnies and Im very happy Im still your fan.

After Playful Kiss, we anxiously waited for your comeback and were very happy that finally, you're back with STANDBY!Chukkae!

I wish nothing but success for you this year and I hope you'd be happy both professionally and personally. We love you as always and your happiness will also be our happiness too!

You're beautiful inside and out so I just hope nothing will change. Hope you'll still be the sweet and beautiful So min^^

Saranghae!!!Happy Birthday again Minmin!

Twitter: @kathy1218


From Jeanneth

Dear Minmin..
Happy Happy Birthday !!!! 

Just wishing you to Enjoy and have fun always.... You know how much I love you..
I always tell you that ^^
Thank you for always remembering me.. whenever we talk  :))
Thank you for always trusting me ....
Such a privilege to be one of your FAN ~~
I will always be thankful ..

I just hope you could find HAPPINESS!!!!! More Blessings ~~
I'll forever be your NO.1 Fan :)
Whatever you do.....

I loveee you Somin... You are the best :)))))
We Will always Support you ~~
Thank you for always visiting Simplysomin ~~ ^^


Twitter: @minnie_jeanneth




Jung So Min with the Stand By Cast for Script Reading!

This is it!!The cast of Stand By are already having script reading 
so they are on full mode in doing the sitcom!!!
This news makes me so excited!!!

And can't help to comment by our princess is so pretty and flawless in the script reading!
Love it MinMin!

credit: naver
hyunmin thread in baidu

MBC 새 일일시트콤 ‘스탠바이’가 본격적인 프로그램 제작에 돌입했다.

6일 오후 일산 드림센터에는 오는 4월 초 방송예정인 ‘스탠바이’(가제) 출연배우와 제작진이 모여 첫 대본연습을 진행했다.

‘스탠바이’는 TV11이라는 가상의 방송국을 배경으로 직장인들의 삶과 애환을 다루는 작품. 예능PD, 작가, 아나운서 등 다양한 방송국 사람들을 통해 직장인들의 고민과 사랑을 현실감 있게 그려낼 예정. 

소심한 아나운서 류진행(류진), 엉뚱남 이기우, 엄친아 아나운서 하석진, 예능국 PD 김수현, 순수소녀 정소민, 킹카 고등학생 임시완, 진행과 기우의 아버지 최정우, 방송국 간판 아나운서 박준금, 방송 작가 김연우, 래퍼 지망생 쌈디 등이 출연한다. 

이날 대본연습에 앞서 데뷔 17년 만에 시트콤에 출연하는 류진은 “시트콤을 하게 될 줄 몰랐다. 신인 같은 마음으로 열심히 하겠다”고 각오를 밝혔다. 

대본연습은 탄탄한 연기 내공을 갖춘 최정우와 박준금의 호흡으로 안정되게 시작됐다. 특히 소심한 아나운서 류진행(류진)과 도도한 인기 아나운서 박준금이 묘한 신경전을 벌이며 긴장감을 높였으며, 정소민, 고경표, 쌈디 등 새로운 트리오의 엉뚱한 모습들이 대본연습 내내 미소를 짓게 했다. 

또한, 이번 시트콤을 통해 처음으로 연기에 도전하는 가수 출신 김연우와 쌈디는 개성 넘치는 연기를 선보이며 제작진들과 동료 출연배우들에게 큰 웃음을 주었다.