
Monday, July 2, 2012

Jung So Min's Twitter Update 02July2012!

After few twitter updates from her co-stars from StandBy
It's MinMin's turn to have a twitter update!

Aww they did do camping!
Aigoo, camping rings a bell for me! ^_^

Thanks for the update MinMin!


우히힛 스탠바이 캠퓡>_<


Jung So Min's StandBy Co-star Kim So Hyun(Claudia) Twitter Update [July 2,2012]

Yoooo!!!! How Cute Minmin.... 

They are so freaking adorable!
Miss those antics MinMin! -jeankaycee

Credits: Kim So Hyun (@claudiaSkim)

Random Jung So Min's Sponsor Photos for "STANDBY"

Pretty as always.. ^^ 

Credits: Unionbay, Sovomall, TBJ

Jung So Min's StandBy Co-star Yewon(Jewelry) Twitter Update [July 2,2012]

 Photo Credits:!/jewelry_yeye    

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! So Nice to see them having GROUP Photos together ^^