
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jung So Min on Bad Guy

I know you guys might notice that we mostly post about MinMin and Playful Kiss (ok, and about HyunMin as well!) so I decided to go back in time when our MinMin debuted as an actress.

As we all know our dear MinMin debuted this year in television in the drama called Bad Guy as the spoiled brat princess like Hong Mo Nae. Also this was the drama were everybody took notice of her. And most of us who watched it also know that Hong Mo Nae was the one who killed the lead character (Kin Nam Gil) in that said drama.  Even when the drama got major problems in terms of its story and execution I did hang to it until the end because of Jung So Min. Well, I personally got annoyed and kinda hate her in that drama but it only means one thing, Jung So Min did a fantastic job in playing her role as Hong Mo Nae.

So, to look back at our MinMin's debut. below are pictures and stills from the drama Bad Guy.
Even though Bad Guy was a serious drama,
 MinMin is still sweet and charming behind the scene

MinMin with the cast of Bad Guy
Isn't she lovely in that dress?

Few of MinMin's scenes in Bad Guy

The curious look!

The Bratty Look

The I'm smitten-by-my-oppa-look

The Happy Look

The please-oppa-dont leave-me look

The doe-eyed pleading look!

The I am mad look!

The Uh-oh look!

The agitated look

She's so lovely when she smiles!
The Im-happy-with-oppa Look

Im kinda mad look

I don't like sad look on her face, coz it makes me sad too!

That killer glare kinda scares me...

The wondering look

One person with so many expressions! MinMin really have such a wide range as an actress!

I love this pic! She looks wonderful!

Well. we miss you MinMin, the Minnies hope that you will have projects soon!

Credits: SBS


  1. I think Bad Guy had one of the best casts, cinematographies, and of course, official soundtrack. The end was jus too whacked, but Jung So Min still totally killed it ( haha, pun intended) with Mo Nae. I loved to hate her, it was that bad. She acted th spoiled brat roll to a tee.
    Am I the only one who thinks the death glare makes her look HAWT?! And I'm straight, too.
    Hope she takes another project soon (damnit, HJ, I want her to be in a MV on his).

  2. wow she realy is pretty sarang nde jung so min.u are 1 of d best actress ever i love u n HAPPY 2014
