
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Poll: Best Korean Drama of 2010 (Final Knockout)

PKissers, HyunMins, Hyunnies and of course minnies/minneys (suggestion for names are still ongoing see previous posts) PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR PK! we need all of your support we need to win this time! :) 

Go to this link:

and Vote!

Reminders :
1) only 1 IP address can vote per you have to vote everyday (every 24 hours, to be exact) and i tried voting using a different browser and it did not work
2) voting closes on December 31, 11:59pm (korean time)

PK and M3 are neck and neck and as of 9:02 am GMT+8
Mary Stayed Out All Night -50.65% (7,207 votes)
Playful Kiss -49.35% (7,023 votes)

Please VOTE :) i know we can do this! fighting Pkissers!

credits: kathy,vinnie,ronnel


  1. Oh no! M3 is leading by a couple of hundred votes! Let's do this guys! Don't forget to vote everyday!

    And I finally got the banner done! I hope everyone likes it!

  2. awwwww thanks milo! :) super super thanks for the banner I LOVE IT! :))

  3. please wote to playful kiss in the best korean drama every day .please dont forget to vote. its only 1 time every 24 hours.

  4. @milo, thank you so much for the banner!! we love it!!!

  5. you can vote again and again, just clear the history. Try it. it will work. I voted.

  6. we can vote in every minute, just refresh and it works!
