
Sunday, January 30, 2011

BTS Pics and Video of Playful Kiss

Well, its raining Playful Kiss BTS!!!

I think the drama gods knows how much we missed Playful Kiss so its an
 answered prayer for all the PKissers!
But seriously I think this in also in line with PK to be aired in Japan thats why there
are so many BTS that is coming into our way.

Well thanks to our PK fairy Ockoala for the BTS pics and video that she posted in her blog.
Below are the pictures and video from MNet Japan.

The BTS pictures came from the episode 6.

Cuteness oveload whenever these two are together!

What I love in the scene that they are shooting was the smile that Seung Jo gave!
That smile was really epic!

We know that MinMin is not that tall, so they used platform for her scenes with Hyun Joong!

Preparing for the scene...

Readying for the shot....

So cute!!! Sharing an umbrella!

I love seeing them laughing and seems like having a great time even the filming was tiring!

The BTS Video!

Well, there you have it!!
I know ther will be more to come so stay tune PKiseers 'coz for sure we are in a treat again!

Again, Minnies, Hyunnies, HyunMins and PKissers in Japan please support Playful Kiss!

credit: ockoala of

1 comment:

  1. last pic: khj's noonas seems like they are close to so min. they love chatting my princess yepey! hehe.

    thanks to ockoala for sharing these bts pics & to jeankaycee too for posting here.
