
Monday, January 24, 2011

HyunMin GIF's Part 2!

I know how you love the adorable and sweet GIF's of our favorite Playful Kiss couple. 
So just to spoil all the HyunMins here are the part two of the lovely GIF's.

And big thanks who made these wonderful and spazz worthy GIF's, 
you guys are really the best!

Credit goes to and opiod0101 of soompi.

I yelled in glee as Baek Seung Jo piggybacked Oh Hani not
because he was prodded to do it but because he wanted to!

You're so sneaky Seung Jo!!!!

One of the sweetest backhug I've ever seen in a K-drama!
I love it!

It's Oh Hani's turn Baek Seung Jo!

This scene is so cute!!!

Need to say more?

To be honest, every time that I watch or see these scenes from Playful Kiss 
it never fails to make me feel happy and giddy even though 
I did watch it like a hundred of times already!
I think thats the magic of Playful Kiss, it never let you forget
 the emotions that you feel while watching it!


  1. i think the 5th GIF is the cutest!..feels like they are no longer in their character but KHJ and JSM playing and teasing each other, especially KHJ..i think he loves tickling JSM and teasing her..oohh goodness!..i miss them sooo much!..hope there's some news pretty soon about them together!


  2. I just smile everytime i watch this scenes many times. Till now, can't get over yet of these two. hyunmin forever!

  3. I will never feel bore and sick every single time I see anything of Playful Kiss.
    I am totally agree with you Jean at last paragraph of your thought.
    Thanks for posting hyunmin gif part 2.
    Hopefully we all hear about Pk promotion or new project of smhj together.

  4. Last scene pict changed my opinion about this couple...seems like they are not only acting, but enjoy it as new couple in heart beating oooohhhh...ooohhhh
    HJ seems so expert on this also ooohhh ooohhh

  5. HJ tickling SM! Woah! That's utterly cute.
    Seems like it's not the first time and also wonder do they need any rehearsal for this tickling scene.
    HJ definitely and apparently like being with SM.

  6. the last gif is really HAWT..HAWT...HAWT... makes my heart beat fast... hahhaha... OMO... love this couple sooo much and they in the last gif makes so real...

    yes, agree seems that the two last gif like they aren't in their character anymore.. that's sooooooooo reaaaallllll ....*i dont think they professional enough to do such intimate scene... spazz..LOL
