
Monday, January 10, 2011

The HyunMin 'Hit" it!

Well, as a viewer, If I'm watching any scenes or BTS of my our favorite OTP I always look forward to all the spazz moments that can really bring unlimited giddiness and excitement.

And as a HyunMin myself, whether admit it or not, we do try to watch their every move and interactions with an eagle eye.To decipher any possible spazz interactions between them. 

Well, as I watched and re-watched all the Playful Kiss BTS, I'ved noticed (actually I'm not the only who took notice of it) one thing, our dear MinMin seem to have the habit to pat or playfully hit Kim Hyun Joong in the arms whenever they have done something wrong or got NG or just clearly playing around.

Personally, I do have that habit as well but I usually do that when the person is close to me or whom I'm comfortable with. So, I think (I hope I'm right, hehehehehe) that MinMin was comfortable around Hyun Joong for her to be less guarded. And as Hyun Joong mentioned in the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting that he and MinMin got closer during filming for a long time, right? So, its kinda safe to say that they have a good working relationship and they were comfortable with each other.

If you don't understand what I mean, just let me show you thru pictures.

This were during the Playful Kiss series:

Its one of their first few scenes and yet MinMin already pats Hyun Joong!

I love how they laugh together!

I think Hyun Joong were showing his goosebumps
but MinMin playfully hits him! Hehehehe!

These two pics come from my favorite BTS!
I love how they just laugh around, especially MinMin!
 It seems that they really enjoy what they were doing.

Hyun Joong jokes that he got tired from practicing the carry scene
with MinMin and she responseded by trying to hit him! Heh!

 This were during the YouTube Edition:

When Hyun Joong got NG, usually MinMin pats his arm!

Even though sleepy and tired from filming these
two can still manage to laugh their NG!

Laughter usually erupts when they didn't make the scene right!
And MinMin's pat to Hyun Joong's arm seem as a usual sight!

Well the pat was not only for the arm but for the legs as well!

The pat comes right after they whispered to each other.
I wonder what they were whispering about?
HyunMin please care to share!

So cute!!! Hyun Joong while MinMin happily feeds him!

I did convince myself just to put few pictures coz if I will include all pictures 
this post may take forever to finish.
If you can't seem to see clearly for some of the pics just go and watch the BTS
 and you also might notice a thing or two as well!

Happy spazzing HyunMins! Til next time!

credits: youtube


  1. I like this, thanks jeankaycee.

  2. Thanks so much Jeankaycee. You are such a great fan! I would like to contribute to this blog whenever possible, but not sure what I can do...I have never had such a huge fangirl crush on any actress until I saw So Min in PK. She's beautiful, cute, talented, smart, and humble. Always love her and support her on her acting career!

  3. i miss them looking these pics again. can't get tired watching their BTS. love hyunmin forever!!! thank you Jeankaycee for all the updates.

  4. firstly, i think i wouldn't like Pk becoz of her, but after i watched it.. i began like her and decided to wathced PK in times .. and the chemistry between the leads are growing stronger both on and off screen!!! WOW,hyunMin Hwaiting!!!

  5. Thanks Jeankaycee for posting PK BTS. I love it and never tired to see them again and again. I miss them so much. Pk is still touch me deeply and I really in love with HyunMin couple. They are both so cute together.
    I am a bit happy today when I visit to Kathy's blog. There was PK fan meeting video with eng sub. In that video KMJ said that he is getting closer with OHN. I have seen that vid without sub. Now I knew now, how did he felt about his co-star how did they work together, even PAPA Beak said after kissed scene shotting hjsm had unknown feeling towards each others and they getting closer than before. I think that mean they were getting confortable to work together.
    Now I am waiting for PK future fan meeting, some fans were saying that it will be in Japan. I wish its will come true. I still hoping that to see lovely couple KHJ&JSM on the stage together, very soon.

  6. I hope and pray that their FM in Japan will push through. I want to see them again together. I wonder what's the rating status of PK in Taiwan. I can't get over of this couple. Hyunmin fighting!!!

  7. @anonymous #2, if you want to contribute pls feel free to email us in, any suggestions will be welcome!

    and thank you for visiting simplysomin!
