
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Look of LOVE?

Again, Please be reminded that this post is reserved to all the HyunMins. You have been warned.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of our soul. Our eyes is the best conveyors of our feelings. Sometimes just by looking in the person's eyes you could see and know how the person is feeling without saying a word. Personally, I do believe in that because the words the can come out in our lips can be a lie but the truth in our eyes can't be denied.

And speaking of expressing one self through the eyes it reminds of HyunMin so much. I know most of the HyunMins are still spazzing about the recent photos that were posts here and in the other sites that likes our adorable Playful Kiss couple.

But seeing these pictures makes me feel nostalgic and suddenly remember that I'ved seen those looks before.
To know what I mean lets go and see below.

In the Playful Kiss filming

This is one of scenes from the BTS of Playful Kiss
I wonder why KHJ is staring at MinMin, is there something in her face?
I doubt it!
Well, If I'm also in his shoes I might be staring at that beauty as well!

I know you need to look in love for the drama
but just looking at this photo makes me think that you're already are.

This picture alone is spazz worthy already!
Do I need to elaborate?
How cute it is that MinMin was staring at Hyun Joong?

In the Youtube Playful Kiss Presscon

Even their eyes are laughing!

I love how Hyun Joong's smiles while MinMin was talking
Maybe she's saying great things about Hyun Joong?

I love how MinMin looks at him!
As if she's saying something that Hyun Joong can't help but smile!

And this is what I call the Look of Happiness
Hyun Joong seem so happy to be with MinMin at that moment
You can clearly see the fondness for her in this eyes and smile!

The MBC Drama Awards

Hyun Joong just keep on giving our MinMin simple glances

He gives a simple glance and she returns it with a simple smile!

Quiet smiles and simple laughter says all the things that can't be said!

Did I say that this is one of my most favorite HyunMin pic?
If not, then I'm saying it now
Because it captures one simple moment yet so meaningful,
The look in Hyun Joong's eyes says it all....
And for me that's what I call the look of.......

Its fun to see those pictures again, looking at these makes me realize that even though I first fell in love with them as Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani in Playful Kiss but in the end
To whom I invested my love and support are with Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min.
And it's all worth it!

Thank you Playful Kiss for giving us Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min!!!

credits: vinnie for the screencaps, kathy's bench, slowdal, mbc


  1. i love this, keep them coming, i'll never get tired. many, many thanks!

  2. yes, keep them coming please:))

  3. you guys are the best, thank you!

  4. Are they for real? They'll make a beautiful couple. I'm so late with this, just started watching the drama, never watch kdrama before, just came acrossed it at youtube, episode 6 of the special and i was hooked.

  5. more, more, more!!!

  6. Feel sad when seeing these, just don't know why.
    Maybe miss them & PK so much.
    Hope for the best for both JSM & KHJ.

  7. me too .. never get tired of their news ...

    even i really support 4 them if they becomes one for real .. kekekekeke ...

    just like those expression ..

    actually i lkie jung so min first then kim hyun joong because of PK ... ^^

  8. Looking these pics again makes my feelings longing for this couple. It's been a while since there's no news about them together after pk.

    I love them. Like anoni 10:56 am, I hooked so min first then Hyunjoong. Weird isn't it? since HJ is one of the hottest species in korea. I watched HJ during bof days but i never like him. My favorite actor that time is LMH hehe but now HJ is my first rank actor that i love most haha

    Maybe, I'm selfish but i want only this couple on & off screen. If i heard one of them paired to diff artists, i feel sad..otoke...

  9. Me too, because of busy work schedule, didn't watch all the episodes of BOF, didn't really bother to know the actor/actress.

  10. Thanks for posting above pictures. I will never sick of seeing those picutres again and aganin, here and there.
    But what make me sad was, after YT special press conf we have never see them together happily on the stage or public.
    My great expection at this moment is to see hjsm together at future oversea fan meeting/Promotion for Playful Kiss.
    I am praying for it now to be come true.

  11. Me too! I want to see them together in pk promotion. And that time, I hope khj will never ignore jsm again. Pls. give us some more about this couple.

  12. yes please.... don't ever ignored uri MinMin again... Please, just be nice for her,,.. arachi Hyunjoong-ah??! kekekekeke_LOL


  14. Thanks so much for sharing the pics and thoughts!!!! ^^

    MinJoong/HyunMin fever is back to me again haha. I agree with you, those are the looks of LOVE! LOL HJ always give these mischievous glances/gazes/looks at Min Min, esp. in the PK BTS. HJ ah, why did you do that?? haha

    Never get tired of looking at those pics and watch the BTS, def see all the off-screen (and on-screen) chemistry that they have <3

    Hope to see more of them for the Japan promotions! There'll be one (or several) right? I really hope there will be though (crossing fingers)

  15. LOTS OF LOVE ... ^0^

  16. love always!

  17. hehe i love ji ho since bbf not to lmh, and i wanna ji ho meried with jan di, but now never mind about it, caused i am very happy with hyunmin couple, min2 is the best for khj, my fully support for hyunmin couple :) , pls make at in a real life,pls pls hyunmin make our dreams come true!! hehe,,,give us more clue about ur dating !!hahaha...


  19. love the last pic! :)

  20. best couple ever!!! love your website...thanks for sharing.

  21. hi, since you mentioned above the Youtube Webisodes press con, do you have an idea/link where i can watch it with eng sub? been looking for it with sub at YT but can't find one..i really wanna know what out OTP been talking about that made HJ look at Minmin like that!!! (7th pic above)..and yes there's something in those eyes and the way HJ looks at's LOVE.. ^__^..aigoo..i miss them sooo much!!! - raxelle

  22. I think you're right!xd

  23. My comments on the pics -
    1st pic - Why HJ look at SM this way? Because HJ know that from then onwards he don't have to act cold and mean towards her anymore and also this is the begining of lotsa hugs and kisses!! Yippy! He must be thinking ~ I have been waiting a long time for now that I can hug and kiss this cute cute girl...ah...she's oh so cute and pretty...sigh.. (keke)

    2nd pic - See how he enjoy her touching his hair like a puppy? He must be wishing ~ Please do it again, I like it...

    3rd pic - Wow! Here HJ really take the opportunity to touch and carry SM all he want at the excuse of rehearsing for the real shoot..keke.. but we all can see he was actually so happy to keep on at it whether really necessary or not. Where was the tiredness and lack of sleep? All that is nothing when having the chance to be this close to her! Yippy! Also the crew were very understanding, they leave them "rehearsing" without much interruption..kekeke...

    4th pic - The YT prescon was really a showcase of their happy glancing and hidden feelings exposed. Oh, so happy to see them that happy with each other, all those glancing and smilings can't hide their "good" relationship because it's just too obvious.

    Last lot of pics at MBC - He want and like to talk and look at her but can't...sigh.. Such awkwardness was just too obvious or rather deafening that there's something between them while his fans' yellings were just as deafening to everyone's ears. Surely, she's fully aware and understand his situation... or they already have agreed to behave this way at the event... lotsa fans will be there so I won't be talking or even be looking much at you ok?

  24. LOL! Anon @10:44PM, enjoy reading your take on the pictures. More please!

  25. The first 3 pictures show their relationship progression, it was getting closer and closer or rather more intimate as times goes by.

    Whereas the last lot of pictures show them in public behaving either strangely shyly or awkwardly. Too many eyes on them in public I guess and they just can't relax and be themselves.

  26. oh my!
    I can't let go!! haha
    HyunMin Forever!!

  27. HYUNMIN FOREVER TOO .... please... our dear couple... work together again a new project, even not for PK season 2, but i think better they can work together again in new project and fresh characters...YEAH!!

  28. i hope this two adorable couple can be together for real!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHH!

    HyunMin three hir!! hehehe!

  29. How interesting are all the comments posted here.

    HJ may try to hide it but I'm sure he thinks alot about her especially after those kissing scenes when he retire for the rest after shooting it. As for now, hopefully MinMin is able to capture his heart and mind.

  30. Who knows? Probably they have been keeping close contact all these while. How can he forget her, she must be on his mind always...keke...

  31. Just want to add that MinMin is the girl that is closest to him most recently. What with all those skinship in PK (back hugs for each other etc etc), who ever get closer than her to him like this before?

  32. In an interview, JSM was asked for a boyfriend what would she look for and she answered that she didn't think about this but she would first of all look for politeness.
    This must be from observing KHJ and must be very impressed by his politeness. The actress who acted as JSM's class teacher mentioned in an interview about KHJ too said she is very impressed by his politeness. Each time he sees her, he would bow to her in courtesy and she's 7 years his senior.
    Then a recent KHJ interview, he was asked -
    Does he happen to be a hot-cold personality in a real life when he is in love ?
    “ I am bashful in front of strangers, people may think that I am such type (laugh). But once I am fallen in love with someone, I completely devote myself to her. I can do for her every sort of things, leaving nothing to be desired."

    Wow! I wonder who would his eventual girlfriend be. Hope it's our JSM, MinMin deary!

  33. love this pics waitng der will be more hyunmin picture.....

    MIN MIN ♥ U


  34. HyunMin, fighting!

  35. looking forward for more HyunMin tandem.. AJA!

  36. I love the fact that Kim Hyun Joong was being honest. He said he was closer to So Min than other actors he worked with....although his fans didn't like it.

    Hyun Joong x So Min. FIGHTING! I hope they'll work together again, perhaps CFs or MVs.

  37. I really love them!! I wish they would make another drama together with lots and lots of love!! <333 It'll be good with a lil comedy too. ^^ HyunMin FOREVER.

  38. Me too".
    I wish that this couple must be for real,on and off screen.,
    I hope in God's time they realized that they are meant for each other.

  39. thanks for being updated... im really happy because you made a blog for our oongmin's couple... kamsahamnida

  40. They should be in Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
    ...although KHJ said he wouldn't want to play another high school student anymore since he felt too old. I don't think he's that old. He's merely 24 (or 25 in Korea)

  41. Why can't they just admit they have a "thing" for eachother -_-

  42. KHJ-JSM my favorite couple k-drama....
    there's "love" in hyunjoong's eyes...kekeke..

  43. I adore these couple...sooooooo much

  44. I agree to the comment on 18 January about the MBC. with due respect that his grandma had just passed away - our condolences - he seemed different from the 99.99999% of the other times. maybe it was just one of his "off" days, when he wasn't in the mood (he's human after all). what's important is that there are the Japanese Fan Meets where they obviously picked up steam again, right?

  45. best couple ever.... i love both of them.

  46. loveliest pair ever .... pk..cutest kdrama, if not for the outstanding performances of jsm and khj, the roles perfectly fit them, ....both deserve it...i could never think of another korean actress who can portray as ohn but only jsm with such multi facial expressions plus the amazing hairdos that go with it...HYUNMIN FIGHTING...GOD bless us all....

  47. Cant get enough of this, although i have watch many series after pk but still, i cant stop thinking and browse about hyunmin.
    They are the most lovely couple in k-drama, and their chemistry toward each other is what make me to find out more about them. :D
    When i watch pk, im not so hooked up, but then when the BTS play in youtube i cant help but wonder kekeke.
    Honestly, i am more hook up about the bts than the drama it self
    We all know they have something, how khj really enjoy and relax toward her, but then most of his fan didnt like it. I feel sorry for min min, she is such a lovely girl, and where she stand.
    I wish they will team up in another project, and im sure they still keep in touch.

  48. How interesting, love the looks of love indeed!
    HJ and MM Fighting!!

  49. I am later than most. When I watched the award like most I didn't see a whole lot of interactions with them beside Min laughing a whole lot. LOL. She sure does seem like a happy gal. And to me, Kim Hyun Joong intentionally trying his best to avoid her. As if he realized his every moves was being watched (which it was LOL) but yet at the end it wasn't successful. I think those secretive glances are truer to his feelings because it was meant ot be that, a secret.

    That night he was going through a sad moment but I think he couldn't help himself by looking at Min because of the way she laughed. Why wouldn't one want to be a part of something that cheerful when you are in a gloomy mood?

    Kim Hyun Joong is a busy man so relationship would not have work out anyway. But yes, when he sings one more time I'm sure it'll bring back memories to that one moment in time when a girl with a big smile enter his life. I just hope it's an everlasting memory. I'm sure they will cross each other paths again. What is meant to be will be just that. If not, each will be happy with whatever choices they make. Good luck to both!

  50. I love the way you do it.

  51. they are amazing a very good actor and actress, we knew them through playful chemistry, very good director too, more power to them.
    good partners too in real life...we hope our wish will come true.
    fans from rome italy.

  52. hay que pedir que ellos vuelvan a actuar juntos. :)

  53. I like them so much <3 I will become angry when hyun joong with other girs except jung so min !

  54. Are they together as a couple ? If true,I'm so happy ! They look perfect together.How I wish they're couple :)

  55. indeed the last picture says it all ... Hyungmin forever :) love love love...

  56. i miss Hyungmin so much..! really hope they're couple...^^ but have u all heard rumors saying that So min dating with Lee Jong Suk ??

  57. perfect......hyunmin forever :D

  58. Will they marry in real life;I ll be so happy;

  59. for sure they will forever cherish their happy and sweet moments together in PK days and hopefully they will end up to be together in real life..... love them both!
