
Friday, January 7, 2011

L...O...V...E... this Pics!

Again, Please be reminded that this post is reserved to all the HyunMins. You have been warned.

To be honest, I'm so happy to keep posting that warning message in the start of my post because it only means one thing, its HyunMin Spazz Time!

My dearest HyunMins, I do hope your heart did take a rest from the spazz worthy photos before because you are in for a new ride of spazz worthy pictures from our resident lovable Playful Kiss couple.

Recently many awesome pictures coming our way from the MBC Drama Awards, and just can't help but be grateful to all people who literally spend their time and effort to capture these wonderful moments! The HyunMin shippers owes these people alot!

So without further ado, let's see the pics below!

Enjoy HyunMins!

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Who said that they don't interact with each other?
MinMin was listening intently to KHJ! She even tried to lean closer!
Wonder what he's saying?

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I wonder what they are talking about?
Hmmm, are they discussing on what to eat after the awards night?
Or they are talking about where to go together after the awarding?

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As Mai said, thank you to the bottled water!
Why thank the bottled water? Its such a great excuse to look at MinMin!
Hyun Joong, got yah!

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I think at this pictures MinMin was the one talking and it's Hyun Joong's turn to listen!
Good to know you that you guys knows how to give and take!
That trait is good foundation of a "relationship", hehehehe!

Now, I'm being greedy because what I wanted to see is the complete video 
where this wonderful captures came from.
I do hope some good souls could give us even just the link for these videos!
Well, I could wish right?

Til next spazz time HyunMins!

credits: mijoong of soompi, slowdal


  1. Thanks 4 the posting, jeankaycee.
    Appreciate very much 4 your effort to make us happy every morning.

  2. OMO thank you soooooo much for sharing spazz worthy moments of HyunMin/MinJoong!!!!!!!!!! <3

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the moments they shared! Now who can say that they dont interact???? There are proofs! Haha Spazz worthy definitely, I love it.

    Thanks sooo much again for sharing ^^ Hope some kind souls have these moments caught on videos :D

  3. First and second pic with the water bottle. Joong, you can either look or drink, but I don't mind that you are doing both, cause paying attention is important, no? Muahaha.
    I'm lovin' this!

  4. it. hyunmin fighting....


    finally, we can see that KHJ didn't ignored her.. *of course,,..u know exactly that must be hard for him to do that!! ahhahaha...


  6. Need to rewatch the videos!!!!

  7. MimMin asked HJ about his granny's condition I think. He told her that granny was very ill so he don't find like talking much that night.
    HJ told her that he can't talk much to her in public and hope she'll understand.

    Just making a guess..keke..

  8. what a wonderful it so much..a million thanks :)
    my leader said " Ho ney u're so pretty n gorgeous tonight, honesty …my eyes and heart can’t get over you Minmin…but the fans keep watching us… hiikkkss… hahaha

  9. thanks for this, keep up the good work and you're such an angel!

  10. thanks for share the pictures...
    I like it so much....

    Go HYUNMIN!!!!
    Love them....


  11. what if uri HyunMin read this and put a comment .. WAOOOWW...

  12. someone posted the vid. first badge of the pics u can see in this vid

    but can't seem to find the second badge where KHJ drinking water

  13. WOW..... I am so late for this hahaha..... very happy to see that.
    Thanks so so mcuh for making focus on above pictures. LOVE IT.
    I did watch video and I saw that hj looked at to sm was only very close to one second, not more than that, trust me, I watched it and paused it again and again to make myself feel better from MBC sickness.
    (but that look from hj to sm was saying "I want to keep looking at u but I cann't do that, u know why" poor HJ.
    But by seeing above picutures its means a lot to hyunmin fans. Hopefully, all PK and hyunmin fans feeling better now. It is very greatful Jeankaycee.
    KHJ should know by now how much we love hyunmin couple.

  14. I feel so great tonight!!! I have been down becoz I could not find any pics that clearly show HJL and MinMin are even talking with each other. Finally, these pic made my day! thahnks so I feel great. if only, we can see more of these precious moments!

  15. waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i'm very late for this giddy giddy news hehe. love hyunmin forever and ever Amen! hahaha

  16. "The more I know you, the more I like you.
    The more I look at you, the more I love you."

    He her... Hehehe......
    Hope so.

  17. i think .. HJ like SM inthiscase, hmm..
    i mean, fans must be like hyunjoong but seems that SoMin is not a girl who blindy love to HJ and what I see isHJ like Sm first, hahahaha .... *my full thinking ..

    hmm just wanna say .. "there's something in the way Hj look at SM , hehhehe"

  18. me too,well i dunno why so i think that way .. the HJ look Sm is really something, kekekeke...

  19. i feel, fortunatelly it's JSm and not other girl to prtray Oh Ha Ni, and we can see they both make a perfect couple... ^^d

  20. HJ: I'm now busy doing my album, practicing day & night, I want to give my fans a big surprise. I think you'll like the songs.
    SM: Really, glad to hear that, but do take care of your health. I'm now trained under a new teacher for my singing. He is a very good teacher, my singing improve a lot, will have my album in the near future hopefully. What about we have a duet?
    HJ: hmmm.... I'll consider.......if u be my girlfriend........
    SM: I'm just joking...hahaha...

  21. Haha... I like that very much anon@7:21PM :)

    Yes, things aren't that simple, surely HJ can't forget her and likes her alot. It's all in his eyes except he's a bit torn between his career and her, pretty hard thing to deal with.

  22. SM: Heard that we are not the winners of the Best Couple Award.
    HJ: Really? After all our hardwork together?
    SM: I'm leaving soon before the announcement, it's getting very late.
    HJ: Ok, I need to leave too but I have to stay for the group photo.
    SM: This whole event is the usual farce isn't it?
    HJ: Yeah, boring and dragging long.

  23. It's fun reading all the comments. Visiting this blog & reading the comments become something that I must do everyday.

    Thanks for sharing.

  24. HJ: Never seen you looking so stunning before.
    SM: Thank you, you are very dashing too.
    HJ: Then how come we didn't win the Best couple award?
    SM: Because you forgot to remove the price tag from your new shoes?
    HJ: How can they be so petty?
    SM: Exactly, any couple cuter or any better than us?
    HJ: Nobody is as cute as you.

  25. HJ: I heard you'll be back to school next year.
    SM: No,I'm now considering acting in Full House 2.
    HJ: How nice if I could be part of it.
    SM: Again? Poor rating & not getting any award?
    I don't want to.
    HJ: Yeah, no surprise anymore to our fans.
    ( miss you so much...)

  26. hey, anony 3:38am, is it true? SM really considering full house 2, I heard that shin min ah did reject that project.

    Anyway, ur comments are LOL.....

  27. anony 7:32pm

    Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!!!

  28. HJ: I should be the one up there with you.
    SM: I told them not to.
    HJ: Why? Aren't we matching couple?
    SM: Can't speak properly when your fans scream.
    HJ: They agree? Why?
    SM: They're afraid I announce your name instead of the winner's
    HJ: Hehehe....

  29. HJ: Sorry for the cancellation of Taiwan trip.
    SM: I was really angry. What's wrong with you?
    HJ: I couldn't move my arms.
    SM: Why?
    HJ: Your hitting during PK really hurt.
    SM: Really?Don't bluff,I don't hit but touch usually.

  30. HJ: Guess fans must be wondering why are we talking only to TLS.
    SM: Yeah, I'm glad he's here or else we have no one to talk to.
    HJ: Some of my fans are really fierce, heard them screaming?
    SM: Only those who are deaf will not hear them.
    HJ: If I get any closer or take a longer look at you I think they will cause a riot here.
    SM: And I don't want my beautiful dress to be torn

  31. HJ: Our fans are busy talking about PK 2.
    SM: Group 8 contacted me last week for PK 2.
    HJ: Strange,I didn't receive any call.
    SM: They said you can't cope,so they're considering someone else.
    HJ: Oh my god! BSJ belongs to me!
    SM: I told them not to count me in if you're not the one...

  32. HJ: Heard about a PK sequel?
    SM: Yea, seems that the international fans are asking persistently for it
    HJ: Especially so on Youtube
    SM: But our local fans don't wanna see us kiss and hug too much
    HJ: Then the international fans would protest
    SM: Seems like its really hard to please everyone
    HJ: I'm not keen on sequels but a few more webisodes on Youtube is fine with me
    SM: Methinks so too, short and sweet

  33. HJ: Fans followed me by car, I'm running out of ideas how to go on a date with you now.
    SM: Shall we meet at EunJo's place?
    HJ: Good idea but we can't do that all the time
    SM: So how?
    HJ: Maybe we can meet up and remain in the car at some unexpected place just like in PK's ending
    SM: Good idea but it's gonna be extremely cold
    HJ: All the better especially in the middle of the night *smile cheekily*


  35. SM: Last night an alien having the look of Denver came to my dream.
    HJ: Really?
    SM: He said they like PK &....they like me.
    HJ: What?!
    SM: He wanted to make me the most beautiful lady tonight.
    HJ: Don't bluff!
    SM: I woke up this morning,I found crystals on my bed.
    HJ: Bluff??!
    SM: See, the crystals around my shoulder.
    HJ: Different from the ordinary crystal!
    SM: Hahahaha.... look at me!

  36. I'm passionate about crystals and how they can influence us!I love quartz white, pink, green,and
    amethyst.You know what power resonance have crystals?HUGE!My love is always with you!xd

  37. in this pics look charming!xd

  38. HJ: Have you seen my official homepage?
    SM: Nope,someone twitted me a blog link and I went in and was really delighted to see so many pictures and comments about us.
    HJ: Really? What's the name?
    HJ: Done by your fans? I have many such fan blogs too.
    SM: Yea I know but this is the only one in English for me by fans from all over the world.
    HJ: So what did they say about us?
    SM: Why don't you go in and see it yourself?
    HJ: Hmmm... I'm really curious...they like us to be together unlike our Korean fans?
    SM: Go see it for yourself

  39. this is fun! reading all the comments! love it!!, btw, is this really true? SM and HJ talking like that!? *super curious!* -bebel

  40. SM: Wonder what's going to happen if they know our relationship.
    HJ: It's very difficult to predict.
    SM: I think I should be now lying in the hospital.
    HJ: Seems I've to cancel my announcement plan.
    SM: What? plan!
    HJ: "A Super Big Surprise" on your birthday.

  41. to our dear visitors and commentors would gladly appreciate it if you will at least put a name in your comments so we can thank you or acknowledge you for the comments that you leave in our blog. but if you want to remain anonymous its no problem still.

    our community of minnies seems to be growing and of course we would like to know you all better!

    so see yah around minnies! and again thank you!!!

  42. SM: Are you nervous?
    HJ:,just feel uneasy with all those cameras around us.
    SM: I should get EunJo here.
    HJ: He can sit between us.
    SM: And we can have photo taking session again.
    HJ: And you can update your Cyworld.
    SM: Our international fans should be every happy to see our photos.

  43. dearest anonymous

    i love you! haha your comments made my day! im seriously LMAO haha can we know your name?

  44. HJ: Told you there will be many fans here tonight
    SM: I know, so as agreed I didn't talk to you almost the whole time till now
    HJ: I saw many of them with video cams just like at the airport
    SM: You are only really look at me now
    HJ: I must say you look very beautiful
    SM: Thank you, glad you like it
    HJ: You did the presentation very nicely
    SM: I was actually quite nervous, wish you were with me
    HJ: I like to but can't...

  45. SM: My mum discovered that blanket sharing picture yesterday.
    HJ: Ah.....Seung Jo diary!
    SM: Really hard for me to explain.
    HJ: I was not aware when they took that picture.
    SM: We shared many things....they'll release more..?
    HJ: Don't worry,I've already warned them.
    SM: guarantee right?

  46. HJ: Fans are curious about our relationship.
    SM: Yeah..I mum also.
    HJ: We are not that close..but somehow close only during PK.
    SM: Still not close...even though contacting each other almost everyday?
    HJ: Hehe..we can't meet..

  47. The blanket sharing is really classic act and proof of their close relationship. Do the other actors do the same? Nope!
    This is so telling and I'm so glad each time I see that blanket sharing picture.

  48. WAAAAAAAAAh!!! so sweeet!

  49. HJ: Are you still contacting your co-stars in Bad Guy?
    SM: Ya,I called & met KNG recently.
    HJ: Huh?!
    SM: Wow! His short hair & dark skin! He's so handsome & manly.
    HJ: Did you tell him that?
    SM: Why? I can't do that?
    HJ: What did you say to him?
    SM: Whatever I said to him,it's none of your business.
    HJ: That's right.

  50. Wow! 50 comments! Anymore?

  51. HJ: You look so beautiful tonight.
    SM: Then why aren't you looking at me more often?
    HJ: I can't... fans will know about us
    SM: Are you looking at Han HyoJoo?
    HJ: No!
    SM: She's sitting at the next table facing you.
    HJ: Relax babe, I only have eyes for you
    SM: Are you sweet talking me?
    HJ: Cross my heart and swear to God

  52. Dear Anony 11:51pm your comments are becomming for me, must read daily same as I visit oftenly to this bolg quiet often everday. Your dialogues are such a amazing ideas. It is make sense and connect to real life of hjsm, I mean if that OTP are dating now. I wish they can let us know like other celeberities in Korea.

  53. HJ: There're many good comments about you over the net.
    SM: Ya, there're many bad comments too.
    HJ: I'm sorry, those bad comments are mostly related to me.
    SM: They hate to see us together.Till when we've to pretend like this.
    HJ: Not to worry, sooner or later they'll accept us.
    SM: It's just as I thought.
    HJ: Let's keep our fingers crossed!

  54. Leader and JSM! fighting!!!

    HyunMin couple forever!!

  55. what sharing blanket picture? where can i see it? ahahaha so late ah

  56. Anon 2:37PM JAN 21

  57. Excellent proof of their "intimate close" relationship. Would you go around sharing your blanket with any Tom, Dick or Harry?
    In HJ's case (further more he's an idol, meaning he has to be extra careful of his behaviour) would he share his blanket with any Pam, Jean or Mary?

  58. HJ: Heard of the song "Creep" by Radiohead?
    SM: Yes...but it sounds a bit down spirited.
    HJ: It's one of my favourite.
    SM: Heard of "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars?
    HJ: Yes, the lyrics fits you so.
    SM: Then are the lyrics of "Creep" refering to us? That I'm like a special angel and you are a weirdo and creep?
    HJ: Sort of... do you think I'm weird?
    SM: Heard of Sunshine State's "Drug Dealer"?
    HJ: And you think I'm like the guy in the song?
    SM: Sort of....

  59. hi...anon 11:42 .. have you make a fanfic bout them... i think thse kind dialog is so interesting ... hahhahaahh,DAEBAK!!!

  60. thank you ah anon 4:06 :)))

  61. 61 comments! btw the dialogues were posted by different anonymous, it's not by just one person. If fans like to read more then keep it going if the anonymous are able to think of more...keke...

  62. hey where is annoy? We are waiting to ready your daily smhj dialogue, pls keep coming, we do love to read more and more.

  63. HJ: Stop laughing and..don't ever hit me tonight.
    SM: Huh?
    HJ: If not..hehe..there'll be another MinJoong Analysis..YT Special Edition..Part 1.
    SM: Are you blaming me for that?
    HJ: Do you know they have this equation in their minds?
    SM: Equation!?
    HJ: Glance + Tease + Laugh + Hit = Love
    SM: Hey,it was all caused by your weird behaviour towards girls previously.
    HJ: Weird?! treated them well.
    SM: Huh! I'm going back now.
    HJ: Are you angry?
    SM: No,just let your fans to have the chance of creating JooJoong Analysis..Suuuuper Special Edition..Part 1.

  64. nice!! nice! this became a routine for me! reading the anonymous post before sleeping! super like it!! thank you!

    btw wat is JooJoong Analysis?!?

  65. As you can see the dialogues are entirely different from the others Anonymous' style of writing. Just different.

  66. HJ: Wow!You look extremely elegant and incredibly sexy in your evening gown!
    SM: Hey,don't flirt anymore! I'm not Hani, Hani and me are different.
    HJ: I don't lie to others. I'm telling you the truth.
    SM: Hani is your ideal type but I'm not.
    HJ: After so many kisses, you have no feeling for me at all?
    SM: Hani likes you but seems that feeling is gradually....
    HJ: Oh,the sea breeze at Jeong DongJin was really the best memory remover for you!
    SM: I was having a hard time separating myself from Hani...I'm confused...

  67. Okay, i almost fell off my chair reading all the anonymous great HyunMin make up dialogues! Come on, anonynous, who r u really? dont be shy 2 intro yourself! i wanna congratsand thank you! I enjoyed your great work. It satisfy my lust for HyunMin to be real couple! Or they r already? More, pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. mee to... i realy wanna knoe who u r .. the anynomous who wrote thos WAOW dialoggue... heheheh.... r hyunmin really dates? hahhah


  69. SM: It's really cold,still sleep without your clothes..even during winter?
    KHJ: Of course, I'm used to it.
    SM: I case of ugly!
    KHJ: Don't worry, I'll cover my body with my blanket.
    SM: Ya, you're used to carry your blanket anywhere you go.
    KHJ: Oh,the blanket reminds me of our happy moment during PK!

  70. HJ: This winter is the coldest in Korea for the past 10 yrs
    SM: And you still sleep naked?
    HJ: Yes...but I have lotsa blankets
    SM: Is that enough?
    HJ: Sure. can keep me warm...ahem ..
    SM: Fat hope.
    HJ: Aren't you cold for wearing bare back tonight?
    SM: It's the stylist idea...thanks for your concern
    HJ: Want me to fetch THE blanket?...hehe..just kidding

  71. anon! that was soo cute!

  72. HJ: Why is the MC joking about Han Hyojoo and me?
    SM: That’s because you mentioned her name in an interview
    HJ: Then do you have anyone that you’d like to work with?
    SM: Probably Kim JeJung, Song Joong Ki and maybe Kim Kyu Jong
    HJ: What? JeJung and Kyu Jong are my best buddies!
    SM: Really? I only know that Kyu Jong is from SS501
    HJ: Why them? Is it because they are just as good as or better than me?
    SM: Why are you jealous? I haven’t even say anything good about them yet.
    HJ: Why would I be jealous? So why them?
    SM: OK, they all have Joong in their name like you .. heehe .....
    HJ: Really? (doubtful)

  73. SM: What about a soccer match next weekend?
    HJ: You & me?
    SM: You & your buddies against me & my buddies.
    HJ: No problem, we play soccer every week.
    SM: Great! They're all very handsome!
    HJ: What?
    SM: I can select the one that suit me most.
    HJ: Huh! I've to check my schedule.
    SM: I'm talking about male partner in my future drama, not life partner!
    HJ: Still I've to get Keyeast's permission.
    SM: No excuse! Keyeast is not an interfering busybody.
    HJ: Love affair is under the scope of the contract.
    SM: We're just friend!
    HJ: It covers seemed, deemed, possible and real love affair.
    SM: That's why you defer your marriage plan after joining Keyeast?!

  74. I love to read diagolue of hjsm, the creation is quiet close to their real life.....
    WOW..... So goog to read.
    I think fans have been fallen to hyunmin couple then love them so much and want them to be real couple, that is why keyeast worry so much about events of hjsm moment togehter.....

  75. SM: I practice singing everyday.
    HJ: Singing is not easy!
    SM: I learn English & Chinese as well.
    HJ: Learning languages other than mother tongue is even harder.
    SM: Nothing is impossible for me!
    HJ: Planning to join Taiwan's singing competition Super Star Avenue?
    SM: No,I want to speak & sing in the languages that most international fans can understand without a translator when I visit them.
    HJ: You don't sing Korean song?
    SM: Of course I will, they like Korean dramas & Korean songs!
    HJ: Then why?
    SM: This's my way of expressing my sincere appreciation for their support.
    HJ: How come I've never thought of that?
    SM: Besides, we would be able to star in a Hollywood /Chinese movie.
    HJ: We would get into the big time in the international showbiz...more fans fans don't mind if we're together.

  76. HJ: You are so beautiful tonight
    SM: Thanks, aren't you afraid to being seen talking to me by your fans?
    HJ: I have been holding back the whole night, a little chat is ok
    SM: So as you said we are suppose to keep our distance right
    HJ: Yes, that's why I have been talking only to lts
    SM: I know when actually you are all the while trying to get close to me
    HJ: Ah..huh, what I said to me was actually meant for your ears
    SM: Hey, your chair is getting closer and closer to me
    HJ: Heehe...I like being close to you

  77. Edited version, hope web host could delete previous erroneous post. Thankz!

    HJ: You are so beautiful tonight
    SM: Thanks, aren't you afraid of being seen talking to me by your fans?
    HJ: I have been holding back the whole night, a little chat is ok
    SM: So as you said we are suppose to keep our distance right?
    HJ: Yes, that's why I have been talking only to lts
    SM: I know, when actually you are all the while trying to get close to me
    HJ: Ah..huh, what I said to him was actually meant for your ears
    SM: Hey, your chair is getting closer and closer to me
    HJ: Heehe...I like being close to you

  78. hahahahahaha....really funny.. and i like to read such conversation.. ALL ABOUT HYUNMIN ARE acceptable..hahahaha

  79. thank you! pls continue the cheeesy conversation of HyunMin! :)

  80. in this bellow link,you can see khj stick out his tounge to jsm. it shows that they are so close in relationship right?hohoho...

  81. HJ: You’re so beautiful tonight
    SM: Thank you
    HJ: Are you disappointed for not winning the Best Rookie award?
    SM: Not really
    HJ: You are not?
    SM: I have won Best Rookie awards from other awards ceremonies remember?
    HJ: But you are so good in PK
    SM: I’m very glad to have the chance to act as Hani in PK, so not winning is ok
    HJ: To me you are the best

  82. hahahahahaha....still love this pc^^..<3,..<3,...

  83. Just completed reading all the interesting postings here! Truly amazing, and makes me really hopeful that they are a real couple!!

  84. omy. anonymous 4:17 has a good comment. ;)

  85. Wow! This is definitely the best post ever with so many comments. This just shows how much we all love this cute adorable couple!

  86. Wow, how come I've never seen this before... well, it's better late than never as they say.

    Hyunmins are really talented... from fanmade videos, fanfic, fanarts, dialogues, etc. Amazing just like our adorable couple! Thank you all.
