
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Video of Fan Meeting for Playful Kiss

Well, we do have the pictures and now the video is here!

We already saw many fancams for this Fan Meeting but only few were focused for MinMin.
So glad that we can now see the part of her interview.

I love her reactions during the interview. She's so shy during the interview and soft spoken as well.
How cute is that she did look at Hyun Joong side whenever the question 
for her were pertaining about their scenes together.

I like this video alot, but hopefully they would add english translation! hehehehe!
Or better yet, I really should learn Korean, right?

credits: mijoong of soompi, onlykhj


  1. Anon 11:49

    yes u're right. i hope miss blogger will edit the title or anything related to the station tv. can't mention the name of the station tv. we don't want this to disappear right?.

  2. yes of course! delete other not this haha anyway, all i want this vid is so min and khj only:-)

  3. thanks for the reminder guys! already edited the post.

    hopefully "they" wont hunt this blog down :(.

  4. sometimes i wish there are some paparazzi ( fans i mean) following So Min around (in a good way not like some freaking stalker) that we can see her daily life...

  5. yeah me too, i want to see her life updated every single day. i'm feeling helpless if she's truly continue her studies in Uni. i love to see her on screen again and of course with khj hehe

  6. yeah, so frustrating to me for not knowing what her activities recently ... T_T

  7. OMO...o'oww.... so this video has been removed .. yeah.. arasso... fortunatelly i've been dowloaded it!! yiaaa.... :0

  8. hi,the video has been removed and i could not download it. So anyone have the video, can you please send it to me or upload it somewhere else? Thanks.

  9. upload again please...
