
Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Young So Min

Most of us already saw all sorts of pictures from Jung So Min, thru different photoshoots, dramas, CF
 and so much more. But now we are in treat for pictures of MinMin when she was bit younger and before she entered the limelight of the entertainment scene!

She quite a charming lady in the making based on the photos below!

Its fun to see that the younger So Min seems to be playfully, have sunny personality and really does have an inclination in being in front of the camera!



  1. wow, such a nice pictures above. Thanks Jean.
    I love sm's cutiness and background sightseen are quiet beautiful.
    I am sure she is having such a good life with full of happiness.

  2. Such a beautiful lady even without make up. Thank you for the pictures. I enjoy reading and checking Min Min updates in this blog.

  3. Wow!!! Min Min is really a natural beauty ever since she was younger. With or without make up she is pretty. You can see that she is a care free, simple, sweet and fun person. It was meant for her to become an actress! :-)

  4. Cute Min Min! Another camera-crazy we have here, haha.

    Someone at Soompi commented on how there is one guy that looks sorta like her, I don't really see it though. And then someone said to be careful, because HyunJoong isn't far. LMAO! I burst out laughing. Indeed, he isn't far at all.

    I love trips with friends! They are so fun~

  5. Could one of them be her younger brother? The one that look like her? I don't see anyone looking like her though.
    Then would KHJ get jealous to see her with so many guys?

  6. Minmin is really beautiful be it on cam or off cam...seeing those photos she has really a bright personality. She really deserved her character as Oh Ha Ni of Baek seung Jo. hehehe...

  7. she's really simple and beautiful! i love her for being so natural, simple and 4D too haha

  8. there minmin look very young...she still beautiful with make up or not make up...she is a natural girl...she is oh ha ni in real life...
    I can not imagine if KHJ see this picture ..... she must have really liked this picture ... KHJ really liked the girl who is cute, funny and simple ....

  9. yeah.. she's cute and adorable oh ha ni in appearence but i think she's yoon hae ra in a real world ... ^-*

  10. so min is really gorgeous .. like the she smile .. and make a face ... cute !
