
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[FanVid] Playful Kiss- Perhaps Love

One of the first K-drama that I really fell in love with was Goong /Princess Hours
 which was aired 2007!
Goong is one other reason why I become K-drama addict!

Fastforward, 2010! 

If I fell in love with Goong before, now I'm truly, madly deeply in love with Playful Kiss!
Playful Kiss hits all the right emotional buttons for me and 
the OTP chemistry sometimes left me breathless.

If you combine an element of Goong and Playful Kiss, you will get
 the fanvid below as the result!

I suddenly wish that MinMin and Hyun Joong could make another drama, 
like the story of Goong!
I think it would be so lovely to watch them together as a prince and princess!

credit: the wonder binnie of youtube


  1. best of two world collide! Goong and PK unite. Was a jihun-eunhye supporter before minjoong came along!

  2. dear jeankaycee,

    Was tinkering around Olive TV website in hopes of viewing the videos, but to no avail. I
    noticed that in your chatango one of the members live, and is working in korea (ms. virginia). She must have a korean alien registration number, if she has then she can register at the Olive TV website and subsequently view Somin's video. If it's not too much to ask, maybe we can ask her that favor. hehe. Just finding a way around this!
    membership page:

  3. First time I watched PK, I didnt know that BSJ had written some diaries about his true feeling in his deepest heart n what was in his mind truthfully. That's why I read his diaries late/after I watched the drama end. I was so surprised n impressed after reading his diaries. I really didn't think that actually he also had so many uneasiness feeling. I luv him more n I can understand the reason why he behave so cold n I can feel his pain also. And now I start re-reading his diaries from episode 1-16 again then re-wacth PK. I have really a new perspective about BSJ n their love story. Get yourself read his diaries before, then continue watching this MV bellow
    u will have something deepest in ur heart..

    Love PK,BSJ n OHN so much..
    Yes I agree n feel the same with Jean.. 2 days a go I imagine if KHJ and JSM can be prince and princess in Goong...or they become lead man n lead lady again in a drama like Goong... I really dying for that :)

  4. I love Goong then BUT I absolutely am madly loving PK! PK is D Best! HyunMin is D absolutely Best Couple!!

  5. YES! PK is a rare, special, unusual, cutest and the best korean TV drama ever in history. It will become a classic cult all time favourite and most memorable series forever.
