
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Playful Kiss BTS Videos!

The BTS videos from where the BTS pictures that I just recently posted are here!
The Japan promotion for Playful Kiss is one the best promotion for a drama that I've seen so far!

So without further ado, PKissers below is the videos and the links for the BTS

!!!!!Way to go Playful Kiss
Hope for more BTS pictures and videos
in the near future!!!
Credit: piyogaki 


  1. the first video when they both were in the balcony scene was so sweet.... so lovely.... :) while the third video, 2:41 - 2:48 was really cutttteeee.... xixixiii... both were so nervous n obviously looked so shy... hihihiiii... LOL ^^ luv it... luv it... cant get enough of them together... :) plz english sub.... :)

  2. @7:41pm i second the motion of what you've noticed in that vids....khj's interview so interesting. hope someone have mercy on us to translate in english hehe

  3. I love this!!! But dun understand a word he said. They looked so great together in the balcony BTS. Definitely got "that" chemistry...pls dun deny,heh, HJL! HyunMin, mansae!

  4. At least I can read some words in Chinese for Japanese subs but still don't know what he said when he was asked about marriage, MinMin, PK and so on. Just what we all want to know, so hopefully there will be English or Chinese subs so that we know what he said.
    I really want to know badly.

  5. Thanks so much Jean, I really love these BTS. I am going to watch again PK now.
    @3:02, I really want to know what he talk about JSM, I want to know how khj will say working together with jsm. If you get any Chinese xub pls let us know what khj saying. Thanks in advance.
