
Friday, March 18, 2011

Playful Kiss- Broadcast Postponement on Fuji TV

In light to what happened to Japan Fuji TV  have decided to postponed the
 broadcast of Playful Kiss.

Below is the Notice from Playful Kiss Staff Blog.

Long time no See!
Fuji TV would like to inform that Itazura Na Kiss's scheduled broadcast tomorrow will be postponed.
With regards to the new broadcast schedule, we will announce as soon as possible.

Tomorrow is approximately one week since the earthquake that struck Japanese archipelago.
Conditions change moment from moment, to which, I do not know what to write.
We are still experiencing aftershocks so it will be a while since the next update. 
Please take care earnestly.

Its sad that Playful Kiss broadcast is postponed but I think it's a better to postponed 
because as of the moment Japan is still in crisis and they are still healing 
from the calamity that they experience.

As I believe everything has its own time, 
I know Playful Kiss will surely have its time to shine. ^_^

credits: kathy's bench


  1. Thank you for the post. I totally agree with your comment and Hope for the best for Playful Kiss and our Min Min and our belove MinJoong couple.

    PK fighting !!!!!

    God Bless Japan.

  2. if PK postponed it should be fan meet not canceled but re-scheduled hehe :D

  3. Schedule it to broadcast a few months later with the fan meetings again when things are brighter and the critical stage over. By then we may see KHJ and JSM going to Tokyo for the fan meeting!! Yay!
