
Monday, April 4, 2011

Play Kiss Making Part 5 Complete Videos!


Sorry my dear Minnies, I'm so freaking late about the latest updates for our
 dearest MinMin and as well HyunMins due to it took me
 almost 24 hours of waiting and travelling via plane just to be home last night,
 thankfully I got home safely!

Well, enough about me, let's get back to blogging and let the ball rolling for the one big giddiness overload of BTS videos of the ever love Playful Kiss!

Below are the complete The Making Part 5!
Enjoy it HyunMins!

Is it too much to demand a complete BTS of Playful Kiss?
I've been posting or ranting about having the complete BTS to be release in a DVD form
Hopefully the makers of Playful Kiss would be listening to the call of the PKissers!

credits: kathy's bench
           paramu7 of youtube


  1. i miss this couple!

  2. Are there any eng subs for the videos? Thanks!

  3. Hehe..taken from Kathy's Bench -

    here is from 3:00 to 3:56 since everyone seems curious about this scene.

    jsm: i'm giving him a massage. i'm giving him a massage cuz i feel sorry...
    - it's the first night and you're practicing very hard.
    khj: huh?
    - don't you feel fluttery...
    khj: no. this is a bit high
    jsm: high quality?
    khj: high quality't find anything to say. let's just's a scene where it'll get really awkward if it takes too we're practicing thoroughly to finish it in a few shots.
    jsm: finish it in one shot.
    khj: yes in one shot.
    jsm: that felt good?
    khj: (slight nod to jsm)
    - when you come to an open space like the oceanside after being in dusty studios, it would feel a little different...
    khj: what are you talking about? mbc studios have no dust. what are you saying. mbc studios have no dust.
    jsm: lying without even blinking your eyes.
    khj: how good is mbc.
    (i hope some kind soul will share the complete bts #4 and #5:)

  4. massage???? uh uh! hehe

  5. thank you translate.

    he was smiling after kiss in wedding party.

  6. I hope all BTS PK have giggle see them...i so love khj and jsm...they look cute and shy when they must doing romantic scane...l hope we still can find other hope and miss hyunmin so much...forever...

  7. love is sparkling
    seem they both can feel it...kekeke..

  8. Please,some kind soul sub this....i am dying to hear what HJL and MinMin are saying.! Looks like they are so comfy with each other. I am absolutely LOVING this adorable couple!

  9. In wedding seen..hj complaining about the ring and minmin dnot like that i think hehehe..i saw in her face..hehe..i think she told hj not do that at the end.. may be its just my thought ^^

  10. She is nervous after the wedding rehearsal kiss..hehe.... cute minmin ^^

  11. those bts make my day and i see it over and over again...
    God....they are match made in heaven...
    more other bts please...fighting!!! lol
