
Monday, May 23, 2011

HQ Pics from Playful Kiss Japan Fan Meeting!

Pics! Pics! Pics! I know its been weeks since the Playful Kiss Japan Fan Meeting
 but still got some HQ pictures of our dearest MinMin and Hyun Joong from that event! 

Here's the pics guys!

The PKissers are surely still waiting when and where can we finally 
watch the whole fan meeting itself!
*Sigh! I do hope we can get to watch it real soon! Please! Please! 
Playful Kiss Japan please care to share their fan meeting to us!

snowflakesj16 of soompi



  1. minmin's really always...wew

  2. I'm not sure if MM is being bashed in Korea but I'm sure she is geting a lot more flame than ever both in Korea and international communities because of pairing with KHJ in PK.

    MM is just adorable and talent young actress. Kim Hyun Joong acting is actually quite good .I like his expresion showed in many scenes. I think some critics are really exacturate in their words and being unfair to him . Many are far from the actual reality.

    Both of them still have a long way to go. Still have a lot more chances ahead of them. I'm sure they have a lot more to offer to us as their fans and to the Entertainment world.

    Min Min fighting
    Hyun Joong Fighting.

  3. even i'm not really sure that MM is being bashen teribly but agree to anon 11:45, i still think that KHJ's acting is average...miaann,but honestly it's tru coz he has been working as singer and still acting is new for, he needs more to learn acting in order to be good as actor and singer..
    So,fighting for HyunMIN!!!!! u're still perfect match for me...HJ is good in singing and Min is very good in acting and...both are so good in dancing...WEW
