
Sunday, May 15, 2011

The HyunMin Moments BTS Style!

Remember the short Playful Kiss BTS that I posted before?
 Well our dear friend squishiee did something about it! 
And got to say its daebak as usual!

Below is the post off squishiee from her tumblr!

how minjoong express their love…
he makes his baby brother send her flying hearts…

pretends that won hong is minmin and squishes him like a bear
seriously look at hyun joong’s *i’m gonna lub chu forever aka pedo*  face 
and won hong’s disapproval face…

she shoots him a heart~

and he catches it willingly!

she throws another one for him to catch..

he throws it back…and she blows the hearts into the sky?

then they pretend nothing happened

i feel sorry for won hong, having to witness his hyung 
and noona being all lovey dovey~ and flirting kakakakaakkaka


So cute right?! 
Oh squishiee you are know how to make the shippers go giddy!
Now, got me asking for more! LOL!


  1. she blew it away? i thought she ate that heart

  2. Love how HJ looking intensely and longing at MinMin!! He's charmed totally. So sweet.

  3. She didn't blow it away!!She swallowed it!..")..if you watch the bts, we can see it clearer..look closely at her action and mouth..she closed her mouth/lips when she did it..if she blew it into the air, she will not close tight her lips, isn't it? Try blows and you will understand..:)..even the Japanese commentator said "Hani o TABETA!"..Tabeta or tabemas in Japanese means, EAT..:P..
