
Saturday, May 7, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Status 06May!

I know today is May 07 and the title of the post is May 06, 
well got to admit got so busy checking out photoss 
from the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting and Presscon that 
I almost forgot MinMin's Cyworld.
Well she did change her status!

Well, beliw is the screencap!

This is her status 만나고왔습니다. 행복한 시간들
which means Have been meeting. Happy times

Hmmmm....That status got me wondering which meeting she is referring to.
 But whatver it pertains to as long as she's happy, then I'm all for it! Stay happy MinMin!

credit: jungsomin cyworld


  1. hahhahaha...actually i'm wondering to which meeting she's reffering to...hmmm...WOW...<3..<3..<3...

  2. Surely she is referring to...ahem! That's what they have been doing the last few days...spending time together. I am soooooo happy for them!!! MinMin...ah..dont be shy to show how u feel..we will always support you and him..kekeke!

  3. weren'tthey having a special dinner together? ...kkekeke
    as we know,only two in a table...yeay...

  4. Yah...wonder which HyunMin shipper has the photo of the dinner...i wanna C...badly. Yeah!

  5. Jean, from Chinese translation it mean quite differently. It's - "Satisfaction has been met. Happy times."
    I think she meant to say that she is very happy with the trip to Osaka.

  6. Oh...she could also meant satisfied now that they met and were together for 2 days!! hehehe! Happy times,,,,that's important and matters!HyunMin...fighting!
