
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Playful Kiss BTS -Kiss in the Rain Extended Version!

Its raining Playful Kiss and HyunMin love! Opiod0101 we do owe you alot!
You are sure making all PKissers and HyunMins happy!

Below is the video guys! Enjoy!

After watching the extended version of the ever famous Kiss-in-the-rain, 
I love it even more! These two are just magical together! 
Im having scarcity of words how to describe the HyunMin! 
And just need to agree to snowflakej16 of soompi, Hyun Joong seems to
be fond of doing hug practices (remember the balcony hug scene?) 
they do practice over and over again and even under that famous blanket! 
Aigoo HyunMin why so adorable and sweet!

credit: thepoopypoocrap aka opiod0101 of soompi


  1. Thank you so much for this vid. Gosh! The practice scenes are so sweet. Wonderring if they are practising or...and the blankie wrapped moment. Always make my day. Hyun Joong seemed to be practising then too but they looked so natural. I truly LOVE them! HyunMin, fighting!!!

  2. me to...this scene even after in moths still feel fresh for me..n just more n more love HyunMin..hahah>>HWAITING!!!

  3. Where can we find eng subs? I just noticed towards the end part of the vid when KHJ looked a little annoyed when they said "cut" (7:05-7:07). Hehe

  4. @Anon 11:41, I noticed that if Khj still wants to kiss MinMin some more!!!! I love this two too much:))

  5. OMO!..the blanket wrap, what was that about? why did they do that? i know they are cold, but why being wrapped together??? aigoo..HJ simply but surely lah!..kekekeke...just so you could be sooo close to JSM, you did that? aigoo..naughty boy..kekeke..waaahh..i soo love this vid!..i hope someone put eng sub!..pleasse!!!

  6. @Anon 11:41 - yup i saw that face of HJ too. was he annoyed or frustrated that the kiss ended? or was it bcoz it's raining hard, he can't seem to see clearly, that's why he looked in that way?.aigoo..i hope it's the former..that he wants to kiss JSM more and more and longer!..kekeke..

  7. @Anon 11:41 and 10:59 ..yes,i'm absolutelly with u gals..LOL.. seems he feels disappoited for the cut..hahahahha
