
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Playful Kiss MV: Kiss Kiss by Kim Hyun Joong!

Its MV time once again! The MV of course is from our lovely Playful Kiss OTP!
And this time it features the song of Kim Hyun Joong, Kiss Kiss from his mini album!

Below is the MV!
Enjoy it guys!

I personally love this song from Hyun Joong's album and so glad that
 iamonlyhuman12345 made a Playful Kiss MV! Super love it!
 Its a good reminder why we did fall in love with them!
Missing my HyunMin! 

credit: iamponlyhuman12345

Jung So Min: Hong Mo Nae's Fashion Statements!

Even though our dear MinMin is no Hong Mo nae in real life,
they do share one thing in common!
And that is being a fashionista in her own right!

To see what I mean below are the few outfits of Hong Mo Nae!

And even though Hong Mo Nae was the opposite of the real MinMin, 
she did great as Mo Nae in her first TV on screen role!
And being great even as a newbie really leaves a good impression to the viewers and fans!

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MinMin Cyworld Update June 29!

Lovely, lovely, lovely! Isn't she lovely?!
Its all I can say! 
As our dear MinMin did update her Cyworld today!

Below are her updates!

지금 부산 청사포에요!!^^ 요긴 쨍쨍

신기한 부산''-''

Glad to know that she is back in Korea after her Bangkok trip
Looking sooo cute at her expressions!
Its nice to see her that way again!
And she's in Busan? Hmmm...
As my good friend Pearl mentioned in FB, 
I know someone who is also in Busan right now
which have a fan meeting and a fan signing! LOL!

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi
jungsomin's cyworld

Jung So Min's SK-II promo photos

Im having this great feeling about Kim So Hyun...

But I will always ship HYUNMIN no matter what... (Sorry for the irrelevant comment! LOL!-Kathy)

Credit: Kim So Hyun Daum Cafe

Minmin's SK-II BTS pics from Jennyhouse

I want to see more of her CF! And a new project soon Minmin!


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Jung So Min for DMAC Shop

Cute Angry Birds Iphone case!!!

Missing minmin sooo much!!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jung So Min One of the Five Rising Stars - SK-II Appointed as Model

Happy! Happy! Happy!
Its a happy news because of dear So Min is included in the 
appointed as a model of SK II!
Along side Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, Seo Ji Hye, Yoon Seung Ah 
they look so beautiful and fresh! I love it!

And there is an article about them but its in Korean so will just post the link!

Below is the pic of them!

And this is the link for the article about them!

Its great to know that they do recognize So Min as one of the rising star in Korea!
She really is one! With her beautiful face and her wonderful talents 
its really no wonder at all that she is considered as one! 
But hmmm... Kim Soo possible on screen partner of So Min? 
Hmmmm... Well I know he is a good actor and surely 
So Min will be in good hands after all they have worked together before! 

"And besides he is also from KE so a certain sunbae of his will give him tips how to take care of So Min!"
 LOL! Just kidding! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi

Monday, June 27, 2011

So MIn's SKII Gif!

And the GIF mania is back! Sort of!
 Since we dont have much news these days
 and still waits for the weekend for her fan meeting,
 we do have some GIF from her SKII CF!

Below are her adorable GIF's!

She's really beautiful and adorable right? 
Aigoo MinMin we really miss you alot!
Please be back soon in the small screen!
 We dearly miss you wonderful talents!
So we really look forward to July 02! 
See yah MinMin!

credit: may of

Sunday, June 26, 2011

MinMin's Random Pics Part 11!

Can we wish that its already July 2? 
Well I know I can't forward the time so as we wait for the fan meeting of 
our princess we do have some random pictures from her!

Below are the pics!

Really anticipating her July 02 fan meeting for SK II! 
Its really a first for her in terms of having a fan meeting on her own! 
I hope that it will be a big success and she will have a great time at the fan meeting!

opiod0101 of soompi

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jung So Min's Interview From Playful Kiss FM Osaka!

[Edited due to credits needed]

Remember the link from tudou that I posted before which contains
an interview of our dearest MinMin from the who-must-be-named-station
that come from the Playful Kiss Osaka fan meeting? 
Well, iamonlyhuman12345 uploaded it in YouTube and 
now tlbpc from soompi provided some translations
 for the interview of MinMin!

Below are the video again and the translations!


Q: How do you feel about KHJ? 
MM: This question, HJ also have to answer too? (MM laughed heartily and clapped her hands together, I wonder why she has such a strong reaction to this question...hmm...quaint isn't it?) 

Q: Won't be 
MM: Ah, then my answer has to change somewhat (MM laughed again....hmm...ask her to talk about HJ, she seem to react in such drastic way....) Although we filmed together for a very long period of time still I can't figure out what kind of a person is he but because I know alot of people like him alot so I too think that could be the his appeal. Even though always get to see him in a playful way but the more I understand him the more I realise actually his thoughts are very deep and also because of this contradiction that's how come he is liked by so many kinds of people. 

Q: Any memories from filming? 
MM: If it's just and HJ the 2 of us alone, should be when we were not that close yet, there was a sleeping scene, he actually fell asleep, I can hear him snoring and it was also due to this that was how we become close. Very happy about it. After that, I also found that whenever there was a break he'd fall asleep because it was really very busy then so just a little bit here and then will want to fall asleep. After a sleep then is able to better grasp the role's character... this he is very interesting. Also there was a scene where actually he was not included, it's the Youtube version with the injection scene, it was a real injection and there was bleeding of blood ...I really feel apologetic....I did it with my eyes closed....till now I still can remember very clearly. (This is exact translation, I think she meant HJ was not suppose to be there but he offer his arm for her to do the injection scene, how touching..) 

Q: Which scene leave the most impression on you? 
MM: Personally, it is the kiss in the rain scene....from the drama point of view it is 2 persons' change in their relationship...a turning point. During the filming of it, it was very difficult because it was very cold and still have to get wet by the rain....I became having indigestion, our Soundman has to use a needle to poke my thumb. As long as it was important scenes there will be many many memories. 

Voice over : Thank you Jung So Min

Again to tlbpc of soompi, thank so much! 
For providing the translations and the YT link, 
Thank you so much! Your effort is gladly appreciated! 

And back to the translations, I like how she described 
Hyun Joong very detailed and deep at some point. 
And seems like both Hyun Joong and MinMin do have the same memorable scene! 
Well, not only them for us as well,  its really one of the best scene in Playful Kiss! 

credits: iamonlyhuman12345 of youtube 
tlbpc of soompi

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jung So Min Updates Her Cyworld With Great Sunglasses and a New Background

Minmin updated her cyworld with new photos!!!!

Great shades Minmin!!!! I think I saw that shades before...hmm..I just dont remember where...

And I love the protector of her iphone!!! Woot!

Heard she's in Bangkok! Enjoy minmin!!!

Thanks Jeanneth for the photos!
Credit: jungsomin's Cyworld

Jung So Min's Fan Meeting for SK II!

Yahoo! I'm so excited for July to come!!! Why, you ask? 
Because I think July would be MinMin's month because its the month 
where we will see more of her! 
And to start the month of July, MinMin will have a mini fan meet for SK II!

Below is the news!

Jung So Min will have a mini fanmeeting in July 02.
                                             This FM will be SK2 Fanmeeing for So Min.
                                                             Location: 포액스M관
                                                                   Time: 7PM

Its such a good news that MinMin would have her own Fan meet as well! 
I like SK II because they are giving MinMin these kind of opportunity to meet her fans!
 Now I wish I could go to Korea to attend these fan meeting!
So lucky for her Korean fans! I do hope MinMin could go to my country as well!

translation: mijoo-pearl of soompi

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Messages for Love: Playful Kiss First Anniversary PROJECT

Pkissers, Minnies and Minjoong shippers, go and make a message now and show your support!

It’s and Team here. Hope you all are doing well!

Well, I bet none of you can forget, this September is the official 1st year anniversary of Playful Kiss. Wow, time flies so fast right? Whether being considered a success or failure, Playful Kiss is definitely one of the most important and unforgettable milestones in both Hyun Joong’s and So Min’s careers. 

And to us- fans, Playful Kiss brought us tears, laughter, happiness and even … sadness. You could not sleep just because of worry about the success of Playful kiss. You could not sleep because of the hurtful words towards our dearest Hyun Joong and So Min. However… we could smile and hold our heads up because we know they did try their best and enjoy every single moment with the drama. And finally… tears running down our face, yes… tears of happiness because of the recognition that Playful kiss has received throughout Asia, especially Youtube Special Edition.

In order to prepare for our special day, an decided to start up a project of making a Message book as a memorable gift to Hyun Joong and Somin. Wanna send your loved message to Hyun Joong or Somin? Join us! We hope the message book will be a loving diary where fans can share their love, feeling and support to Playful kiss as well as Hyun Joong and So Min.

What are you waiting for?Join us and start sending your message. 

- Onlyhyunjoong + receive all message from our member as well as non-members. We greatly appreciate and welcome the messages from international fan community. Please send your message to or

- Deadline for sending message is 23:59 Monday 25th July 2011.
- Maximum length for each message is 300 characters (not words!) and can be written in English or Hangul. Please remember to specify your name and nationality in the message.

After receiving your message, we will start designing the book. The message book is planned to send to Hyun Joong and So Min before 1st September 2011, exactly one year after the 1st episode aired.

Because of the high printing cost, we hope to receive financial support from you. This is the first time and decide to ask for financial contribution from fans. We appreciate and greatly respect any contribution from you. But don’t feel pressure, ok? Sending message does not mean to contribute money. Please remember that the contribution depends on each individual’s ability and we feel precious with the support of you. There is no financial pressure here.

We can only accept donate via Paypal:

That’s all for our notice! We’re looking forward to your messages.

Thank you! and Team

PS: These are our past 2 projects for Hyun Joong and So Min for their birthdays. Check it out:



Jung So Min MV - Because of you!

The teaser for So Min's SK II CF was already and now waiting for the whole CF,
 so while waiting for that we do have MV for now!

This MV was made by megaparura7!
Enjoy it Minnies!

I'm liking the idea that everyday more and more have come to like and love So Min!
Because this girl deserves to be admired and loved! 
Being the brave, smart, graceful, sweet, down to earth, talented simple girl that she is!
And I do hope she will always be her usual wonderful self!
We miss you So Min!

credit: megaparura7 of youtube

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Playful Kiss Official Youtube Channel Reached Over 20 Million Views

Wow! This is definitely a very good news!
 Playful Kiss YouTube webisodes deserves to have this views because its just DAEBAK!

Below are the news links and PK YT views!

These are the news portals that reported this as well!

Yey! Its 20, 174,710 views and still counting! I'm so happy regarding this fact!
It only means that Playful Kiss is really well loved by many!
Its receiving so much love that it truly deserve!

newyorkcitygirl of soompi

Playful Kiss BTS - Morning of the Sleepover!

As we wait for August 2 to arrive, to see the Oppa and the Dongsaeng 
together again in one stage as of the moment we do have another Playful Kiss BTS!
 A big thanks to snowflakesj16 for this Playful Kiss BTS! 

Below is the video! 
Enjoy! ^_^

The video itself as usual contains the adorable little interactions between Hyun Joong and MinMin! 
They were being their funny, cute, silly selves which few of the many reasons why we love them!
Now, again I'm wishing that its August 2 already! 

credit: snowflakesj16 of soompi

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MinMin's Screencaps for SK II CF Teaser!

As we did see the teaser for the SK II CF of our lovely MinMin, 
now we do have the screencaps of her part in the CF! 

Below are the screencaps!

Seeing MinMin again even though its just in a CF makes my heart happy 
because its been a while since we saw her! 
And even though her part in the teaser is kinda short, still MinMin do shine in the CF! 
Thanks to her wonderful and adorable expressions! 
Truly this girl is such a talented actress! 
Hope to see the whole CF the soonest!

credits: honey_ko of soompi

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jung So Min's SK II CF Teaser!!!!

YEY!!!! Minmin!!! We missed you sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Credit: snowflakes16

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jung So Min for Stylish Summer Events!

Yipee!!!! I think now that school year in Korea is ending, we would see more 
of our dearest Minmin! Can't wait for her "comeback"!

Below is her July 01 activity for CECI and SK II!

Posted Image

Jung So Min will attend Stylish Summer Events in 01 July from 8am.

July 01, Stylish Summer Events-Stylish Beauty event will be held at COEX MEGABOX, 

Hall M. This event organized by fashion magazine CECI and SK-II.

Jung So Min will attend this event with 4 young stars: Kim So Hyun, Lee Jong Hyuk, Seo Ji Hye and Yoon Seung Ah.

Hopefully in the coming months MinMin would be more visible to the small and big screen! Especially now that it seems that she will be promoting SKII!
If that would be the case then surely I'll be such a happy camper!

mijoo-pearl of soompi

So Min Sponsor Pics Part 4!

Well, as we wait for the princess to come out of her castle and grace us in her presence, 
we do have some pictures from her sponsors!

Below are the pics!



In the last picture MinMin is looking so slim! But pretty as ever!
I wonder if this pic came from a CF filming? 
Well, whatever it is, still I love the pic!
Please MinMin, we do hope to see you the soonest!
We terribly miss you!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi 

Friday, June 17, 2011

MinMin's Avatar change in Cyworld!

At last! Well its not really a big Cyworld update but as I miss MinMin so much that 
anything related to her will be gladly welcomed!

And tonight she did change her avatar from the old one its now one of her picture
 from her O'live Japan adventure! 

Below is her update!

That picture is one of my favorite picture of MinMin from her O'live Japan adventure! 
Looking so sweet and lovely! 
And complete with a heart hand gesture!
So cute! Hope to hear more from you our dearest MinMin!

credit: jungsomin's cyworld

Thursday, June 16, 2011

HyunMin Fanvid -Just So You Know

If I'm not mistaken I already posted this fanvid before, but I can't help myself to post it
 because first I'm having such a bad LSS (Last Song Syndrome) for this song!
 Its been singing in my head for past few days already!
 And second I really miss HyunMin! 
This is one of my favorite fanvid of the adorable HyunMin and it captured 
the cute and happy moments of these adorable two behind the scenes!

Hope you can sing along as we watch the video!

Well, I suddenly wish its August already!  But hope before August we can see them together even in just few appearances of even just a CF! But I guess I do need to wait for it! 
As they said patience is a virtue! Love you HyunMin!

credit: bubblybrook of youtube