
Friday, June 24, 2011

Jung So Min's Fan Meeting for SK II!

Yahoo! I'm so excited for July to come!!! Why, you ask? 
Because I think July would be MinMin's month because its the month 
where we will see more of her! 
And to start the month of July, MinMin will have a mini fan meet for SK II!

Below is the news!

Jung So Min will have a mini fanmeeting in July 02.
                                             This FM will be SK2 Fanmeeing for So Min.
                                                             Location: 포액스M관
                                                                   Time: 7PM

Its such a good news that MinMin would have her own Fan meet as well! 
I like SK II because they are giving MinMin these kind of opportunity to meet her fans!
 Now I wish I could go to Korea to attend these fan meeting!
So lucky for her Korean fans! I do hope MinMin could go to my country as well!

translation: mijoo-pearl of soompi


  1. this is link of JSM Interview PK FM in japan :

    and this is the translation :

    Q: How do you feel about KHJ?

    MM: This question, HJ also have to answer too? (MM laughed heartily and clapped her hands together, I wonder why she has such a strong reaction to this question...hmm...quaint isn't it?)

    Q: Won't be

    MM: Ah, then my answer has to change somewhat (MM laughed again....hmm...ask her to talk about HJ, she seem to react in such drastic way....) Although we filmed together for a very long period of time still I can't figure out what kind of a person is he but because I know alot of people like him alot so I too think that could be the his appeal. Even though always get to see him in a playful way but the more I understand him the more I realise actually his thoughts are very deep and also because of this contradiction that's how come he is liked by so many kinds of people.

    Q: Any memories from filming?

    MM: If it's just and HJ the 2 of us alone, should be when we were not that close yet, there was a sleeping scene, he actually fell asleep, I can hear him snoring and it was also due to this that was how we become close. Very happy about it. After that, I also found that whenever there was a break he'd fall asleep because it was really very busy then so just a little bit here and then will want to fall asleep. After a sleep then is able to better grasp the role's character... this he is very interesting. Also there was a scene where actually he was not included, it's the Youtube version with the injection scene, it was a real injection and there was bleeding of blood ...I really feel apologetic....I did it with my eyes closed....till now I still can remember very clearly. (This is exact translation, I think she meant HJ was not suppose to be there but he offer his arm for her to do the injection scene, how touching..)

    Q: Which scene leave the most impression on you?

    MM: Personally, it is the kiss in the rain scene....from the drama point of view it is 2 persons' change in their relationship...a turning point. During the filming of it, it was very difficult because it was very cold and still have to get wet by the rain....I became having indigestion, our Soundman has to use a needle to poke my thumb. As long as it was important scenes there will be many many memories.

    Voice over : Thank you Jung So Min

  2. I'm so happy to hear that Minmin is going to have a fan meeting in July. How I wish I could go see her as I really like her and I miss her alot since PK days.

    Anyway, I'm really happy to see her out and about meeting her fans...I hope to see her in person some day too!

    Minmin Fighting!

  3. yesss....i'm happy too... even it just a small FM i mean ... only 8 persons invited?? kekekeke...but still, happy that she can make it... hope to see her more in new projects and/or FM too...^^d

  4. 10q for the translation anon 3.38am. 10s for sharing.
