
Monday, July 18, 2011

Jung So Min CeCi Magazine Scans!

I know I just posted this but its more clear copy than the first one! 
So I'm posting it again, so we can see it more clearly!

Again, thanks to mijoo-pearl!!
Hugs for you my friend!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, the pictures are all great!
And as much as a hardcore shipper, I know MinMin will work 
with other actors as well
and I love the fact the she can be so versatile 
and have good on-screen chemistry with other actors
Can't wait for her new projects!

Don't worry my co-shippers, my shipper heart don't waver!
Its still beating strong as ever! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi
Kim So Hyun BBS


  1. I maybe a HyunMin shipper but I must say our Minmin looked good with Kim So Hyun too! I like the second picture very much! :)

    Hahaha...wonder what HJL thinks of these nice pictures of his Minmin and co-colleague!

  2. my heart right now is aching. i'll find these two are good looking together but still i'm an avid hyunming shipper no one else heeh

  3. OMG!!! I love the pictures! They really look good together!!! I hope they can work together in a drama or movie!!! The second picture with the bike is so nice! Love the outfit!!! Still a MinJoong/HyunMin shipper I must say Min Min just really have this aura that will look good with any partner. :-) Hope she really comes out with a latest drama soon!!!

  4. I'm a greedy khj/jsm shipper. i don't like any other guy for her. love hyunmin couple to death!
