
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jung So Min's SK II CeCi Magazines Additional Scans!

We already posted few scnes from the CeCi Magazines for August edition that features our dear MinMin with her SK II co-models but we still have additional scans!

Below are the scans!

Now I"m really excited to see and to know what's the article would say about MinMin!
And really love her laugh in the pic above!
I bet if we can only hear her laugh in the picture,
that laugh is her signature laugh where everyone 
else can't help but laugh when she laughs!
MinMin's laughters and smiles are truly contagious!  
And I love it!

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi


  1. Oh no! i'm very much insecure with KSH. he's so good looking to my unnie huhu my leader..otoke

  2. Wow! Looks like our Minmin gets along well with KSH from the pictures. While I'm a Hyunmin shipper, can't help lamenting our Minmin looks good with KSH too...

    Minmin looks pretty and adorable in the pictures...I really like her! :)
