
Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Letter from Jung So Min!

I never thought that this day would come, MinMin did send us a letter letting us know her thoughts about own little birthday gift for her last birthday! 
MinMin's message was sent thru Raffine!
Thanks to my dear sister Pearl for tipping me regarding the letter!

Below is her letter!

To, Simply somin blog spot's minnies

Hello this is Somin!
I guess this would be a first letter to my Phillipine fans~
Today I have finally received the CD and the album that you all have made for me for my birthday. ^^
Getting them after 5 months made me excited since it felt like I was celebrating another birthday!

First of all, thank you so much.
Thank you and I truly admire you all.
Doing such a meaningful work on my birthday, I felt so greatful for it. Practicing these wonderful job just for a person like me made me so proud of Minnies.

Free examinations and drugs to cupcakes and gifts... and most of all, spending such a wonderful day with the children these all have touched me greatly. It would have been nice if I was able to be there.
I saw the video clip and tears came down as I watched the kids sing and dance.
How lovely and adorable are they. ^^
Thanks to Minnies I will be remembered as a nice person to them even though I have not done anything to help.
Compared to my fans Minnies, I am a lacking person.... so I'll try harder to become a better one. T.T
The gift was valuable than any of the b-day presents I have gotten before. ^^

Until a few years ago, I had been visiting facilities myself on my b-days.
My parents taught me that I should do a meaningful act on my birthday.
Ever since they have taught me this, on every birthday they took me to facillities and I would spend the day with many children.

It's been years since I haven't visited them.
I went back through the past years and rethought about those years after watching the clip.
Next year I should go visit them.^^
I miss the children~.
Someday I wish to open a party for the kids on my b-day. This is a new dream that's occurred to me after Watching Minnies.
Thank you for letting me keep a new sweet dream~

This is just a personal thing but I have been visiting Simply Somin very often ever since I have known about it. ^^
Thank you again for the abundant resources and the posts! Hope to see you soon with more attractive works on screen.
Thank you all for your patience.

I love you the great "Minnies"!!!!

Just Added!!! MinMin did edit her message and added this message!

P.S . In addition, to thank all my foreign fans~~~~~~~~~~~
Love you all~~~~~~~~~~~!!^^*

To be honest, until now I can't believe MinMin did write a letter for us
The first time that I have read the letter tears just can't help but flow from my eyes
It such a wonderful feeling to know that MinMin knows how much we love her
And that she appreciates all the effort, support and love that we have for her

To my fellow Minnies,

Minnies, guys! Thank you all for your support for the So Min Birthday project
without your help, pledges, messages and prayers this project would not be a success!

To my K-Bench angels,

Angels, you know who you are, This is it!
 Again thank you for your wonderful efforts for making the
 So Min Birthday project a success! A hats off to all of you guys!
You all deserve a standing ovation and lots of round of applause!
I love you my dear K-Bench angels!

To our dearst MinMin, 

Thank you, you don't know how happy we are that you took such 
a great effort in writing us a letter
This letter will be forever treasured by your Minnies

I do promise that I will always be here for you in every step of the way
supporting you in every projects and decisions that you will make
I love you and will just be here continuing to wish and pray that you will have
that you truly deserve!


  1. I've never been more PROUD of my KBench family & our Minnie community!!! No wonder we LOVE MinMin so much~~she's a true role-model & such a very SWEET LADY!!!
    I still can't get over the fact that she visits our blog that often & that she considers our little birthday gift, as the BEST she has received in her life!!!
    May I re-iterate that I can ONLY accept MM for my baby, Joongie!! *wink!!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kbench family & MM~~~WE LOVE YOU, dear!!!

  2. MM is such a sweetie. I'm so proud to be her fan. I love you So Min. You are the first Korean actress I've been crazy for. THANK YOU :) You are super sweet and kind.

    Ate Jean. K-Bench angels and the Minnies, thank you for sharing this with us. More love to So Min.

  3. I was just reading the first line but tears keep flowing in my eyes... Minmin... That's why I love you so much. I never loved any Korean actress the way I love you. I will forever love you and support you!

    Minnies and my Kbench Angels, congrats to all of us!!! So happy that she loves us as much as we love her too. This should inspire us more!


  4. Kathy's Angels, I'm so proud of you guys! I've always had such great respect for you ladies, and now I'm so happy your hard work paid off. Okay, I'll stop being so formal and just plain say you guys rock, even though it isn't even needed! :)

    Minnies, this is truly such a lovely surprise for all of us! Min Min, you are such a sweet girl, thank you for taking the time to write us this letter, and in English no less. We love you, and we WILL be here for you no matter what.

    Mrs. D! I totally agree, for me, it's ONLY her now, haha.


  6. So, yeah. I wasn't online since yesterday. And the first thing that I saw when I opened my facebook account was this letter MinMin made for us (Minnies and KBenchers). I was like SPEECHLESS and I had GOOSEBUMPS while reading the letter. Of course we had been waiting for her and wishing that she will somehow get to know what we did as a birthday present for her. What made me cry even more is knowing that she visits this blog of ours for her and her saying how proud of us she was because of what we did.

    MinMin-ah! We will never get tired of helping or even celebrating children for you is thats what makes you happy. Just know that, no matter what happen, we will always be with you, to support and love you all through out. Saranghae MinMin!

    I hope I can bake for you someday ^^


  7. A letter from Min Min? Congrats Minnies!!!!
    Aww I love her sweetness ^^ She is really an angel, her kind words and her love for the kids ♥ She deserves every piece of respect & love from us for being a wonderful person as she is. I love her!
    Her English is also amazing! She improved a bunch, so proud of her ^^

  8. wow congratulations she finally noticed your greta work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow her word were so good :)

  9. Wow! What a surprise that MinMin would write a letter to us! Her English is good and so that means she does come here to read our comments about her, dressing styles, updates of her cyworld as well as about her and KHJ! Ahhh! I can't imagine how are her reactions to all these. She knows that we like her with KHJ! That's a wonderful thing isn't it?

  10. Jean, honestly i can't read the letter of JSM, it's so small for me but when i read your first comment and everyone's comments here i'm totally crying. She's one of a kind, that's why i love her. I always love her and KHJ. I'm glad that she visits here and i wonder if she also join at chatbox as an anonymous too hehe and spazzing too hahaha.

    I hope there's a large font of her letter so that i can read it clearly. sigh, want to read it so badly. For Minnies and K-benchers job well done!

    This is wonderful!!

    Hey! minmin.if u read this I LOVE YOU A BUNCH!

  12. congrats and thanks to Minnies & KBencher angels

    this is such a great gift for us. so happy she wrote the letter. she really appreciates it.

    hope you are bless with everything that you do. all the best. fighting!


  13. Wahhh!!!! Been away for a while but I came back to such a lovely surprise! A lovely letter from someone so lovely! MinMin you have such a beautiful soul!! I'm glad we inspire you but I hope you know that you really do inspire us so much more! We love you and will always keep supporting you!! And i'm so proud to be your fan!
    Love RM!

  14. Amazing! That's the only word I can use to describe So Min's letter. From the content to how it was written and especially to the person herself..Amazing! Actresses like her truly deserves all the love and support from the fans all over..So glad to be a part of that event that gave Minmin a new dream..Hope she comes to the Philippines to visit our children's homes..That will be the day!


  15. OMG im crying i really have tears in my eyes. Thank you for appreciating us Minmin.
    Thank you for the wonderful wonderful letter.
    You are really beautiful inside and out :)
    we love you!!!

  16. So sweet!
    Minmin will always be on my Top3 favorite Korean actresses (and that's saying much especially since she's just a relatively new face).
    More power to this blog and to JSM! :)

  17. MinMin I really love you from PK then i was amazed by your acting in Bad Guy and in just a short time you have become my favorite actress
    and now seeing how much you appreciate us fans i love you a million times more :)
    I will forever support you!
    Congratulations Minnies! Fighting! :)

  18. everytime i open my pc,.the first thing i searching is this blog,.cause i love here so much,.and now i more more love her,.

  19. Hello Jean, I'm here again. Thank you very much for the large font. Now, i can read it clearly and I'm crying again. I'm so grateful for being Minmin's fan. I wish her all the best of everything in this world. Can't wait to see her again on tv screen. Minmin fighting!


  20. What a surprise!
    MinMin's sincerity touches us as always.
    We love you MinMin.
    Looking forward to your new project.

  21. I'm so excited to see this letter from our dearest Minmin^^. It's so amazing to know that Minmin do know as well as visit this blog^^. I will always be here supporting you~~my dearest Minmin~~!!!Love you~!!BTW~~I'm from China~~do you ever know us?? Chinese fans??^^

  22. This is really great! Thank to our dear MinMin! we are always be here for you! Godbless!

  23. As I started reading the first two lines tears come down running my face... MinMin appreciates her fans.. Huuuu~ I so love her. I'm gonna pray for her every night because I know, as a fan, that's the best thing I can do for her aside from supporting her all the way of her career. You will be forever love So Min.. for always.. <3

  24. she's so sweet and humble

  25. Thank you so much Jeankaycee for always make us happy every time we visit The simplysomin. For our lovely So Min Thanks Thanks thanks a thousand times for a very sweet and thoughful letter. I'm Hyun Joong 's Fan but after knew you from PK I can't help to fall in love to O Ha Ni and then a very lovely So Min. You make me beleive that O Ha Ni and Beak Seoung Jo is a real love story . I 'm looking foward to seeing your new Drama . Keep fighting I really enjoy your acting . You are a real talent actress. Love you.

  26. ok. minmin it is so touchable, you so sweet, nice and humble, but its simplysomin not only phil minnies fans base but all around the world from Phil, Indonesia. Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, US, UK, Israel, Maldives and many more. WE love you and always support you Min2

  27. wew i really love minmin,. she's so sweet, she know how to appreciate their fans effort!!! looking forward for your next project.... :)

  28. speechless about the letter...this is the reason why i love unnie Minmin. she's nice and humble. i'm happy to know that she often visited here.

    ate jean, thank you for all the updates. even i'm very busy with my studies. i'll make it sure to visit this blog.


  29. I am so happy to read this letter. It was hard to read because some of the words are not clear, I think something wrong with setting but I am so glad that so min oftenly visiting here. I think she is going to start new drama very soon. Please so min we all are waiting for it, come on announce about it very very soon can't wait...........

    Thanks so much Jean we all love this blog so so much.

  30. maybe this blog need flag from visitor,.so our minmin knows that her fan come from all around the world,.and we all love her much,.i am from indonesia,.everyday i open this blog to see our lovely minmin

  31. Oohh I am so happy to read MinMin's letter. She is so sweet, down to earth and truly cares. Her heart is in the right place. While many celebrities focus on beauty on the outside. Minmin goes a step further by stressing also on beauty from within. I find this very special and admirable. II am from Singapore! Minmin's fan base is truly global!

  32. Wow, what a sweet and sincere letter from our Minmin. It really warm my heart reading the letter she wrote to her fans. That's why I know my support for Minmin is really really worth it.

    Minmin, you are not only beautiful on the outside but more importantly, you are beautiful inside as a person. I will always support you as your ardent fan.

    Minmin, you are godsend.:)

  33. Yes MinMin you have fans from all around the world, not only Asia but America and Europe too :=)
    I'm one of your fan from Europe and you are the ONE and ONLY korean actress that I'm fan of ^^
    You did such a wonderful work in both Bad Guy and Playful Kiss, your acting skill is so good and you are so talented,
    MoNe and HaNi are two very different characters and you portrayed them in such a wonderful way that people can't believe is the same actress to give life to them,
    that is what a good actress do (a not good actor/actress plays every character in the same way), you are really a good actress, can't wait for your next work ^^

    Moreover you are so sweet, humble, smart, pretty, cute and so lovely with your fans ^^
    Thank you very much for your "letter" to us and I hope also your new "dream" will come true :)
    The K-Bench angels did really a wonderful thing for your birthday, help others is truely one of the best gift and the smile of the children is so precious :)
    What you wrote is so true, you are really a beatiful person outside and inside <3

    I will be always supporting you, I wish you all the best in both your work and private life
    Wish you happiness and love and we will be always here to love and support you ^^
    Saranghae Kim Yoon Ji/Jung So Min <3


  34. Really touched and happy when reading letter from So Min. You are so sweet and surely a very versatile actress with great personality. Waiting for your new projects :)

    God bless,
    TAN from Singapore

  35. unnie... you're so sweet...!! i am so surprised at the same time touched... you made me realize that i have made the right choice of following you... you have a good heart to your fans..!!!! i will always support your dramas and everything that you will do....and that is a promise..>!!!! love and missing you unnie..!!!

    Lera from Philippines

  36. all i can say is thank you So Min for the wonderful letter for us. i will support you and Kim Hyunjoong forever and ever!

    love lots,

  37. this is a really big big suprise to all minnies! so proud to be your fans! You're the first korean actoress i am so crazy to chase for..
    You're fresh,sweet, thanksgiving.....
    thanks somin and thanks Playful Kiss
    Right here wating for you
    Remember me somin! I am Ann ^^ visit this blog often

  38. wow! just simply wow guys!just like MinMin you are all amazing guys! thank you for visiting the blog and giving this blog little of your time! I do really appreciate it! and i never thought as well that this blog would be reaching so many people across the globe so thank you very much! And please continue to support MinMin in her new and upcoming projects, this wonderful girl deserves all our love and support so please wait for her return! again Minnies thank you so much! and take care! see yah around the blog!!! love love love!!!! ^_^

  39. huaaaaww what a surprised and very happy for ur lovely words Minmin and u have been noticed about HYUNMIN Couple:), we will keep support u and our leader KHJ..thank u Minmin<minnies,kbench,simplysomin

    much love from indonesia-jakarta

  40. i love you jung so min a.k.a kim yoon ji ..!!

  41. your a gem that can't compair,may God bless you always,I pray that all your dreams in life will be answer especially your lovelife (KHJ),once again Godbless you always!!!!!!!

  42. This is truly amazing. It confirms that Min Min is truly a star, and a beautiful one from outside and within. I've been a fan of hers since PK, and will continue to support her in her future endeavours. And also secretly wishing for her happiness in relationship especially with KHJ, if that can become a reality! All the best Min Min :)



  44. MinMin visit this blog often!!!
    SO she has read all our comments about her with HJ too!!!
    This is so AMAZING a thought, so glad and seem so unbelievable.
    SO, everybody who come to this blog please write more comments for MinMin to read and know what we think of her with KHJ as well as anything related to her like giving her all our love, support and encouragement.

  45. Hi MinMin! I'm from Singapore!
    Stay cute and healthy!
    Don't be like another one of those plastic doll of K-pop girl groups, be yourself! You are unique and don't get lost in the Korean entertainment world, it can be a trap and can get very ugly too. Remember this OK?

  46. WOW!! Dear So Min visit this blog very often!
    She must have seen those videos fans put together for her and Kim Hyun Joong. I wonder what she think of them, those loving, kissing intimate scenes and so on.
    She is really so sweet and nice. Wish her all the best.

    Love ya!
    A HyunMin fan from Hong Kong

  47. She's amazing! She even wrote in English for us to understand

  48. im crazy and im in love wth u!Yoon ji!
    Im a girl btw..haha
    im soooo in love of ur charisma as an actress..reading about ur letter, wheeew! U blew me right then and there..u totally rock!!! Godbless u! Mwahhhhhhh! Xoxo

    tinzky frm bacolod

  49. wow ! so glad and so happy when I finished reading it. I never thought she would be that happy for your efforts. weeeeeeee ! congrats po :D so proud for all of your hardships :)) keep rockin guys MINNIES :D !! MIN MIN. hope u could read our reactions about your letter :D stay that humble. saranghae <3 GODBLESS the works of your HANDS.

  50. i love her screen name Jung So Min but i love most her real name KIM YOON JI but sad to say, KHJ and her are the same family name. if GOD's will. is there a possibility for them?...i hope so

    love you pretty girl!

  51. This same family name issue has long been discussed and is no longer an issue because many Kims marry Kims in Korea now.

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