
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

MinMin's Fanvid: I knew I Love You!

I know all of the Minnies are missing our dear MinMin like crazy
So just for now have some fanvids from iamonlyhuman12345! 
One is for MinMin and the other is for our lovely HyunMin!

Below are the videos!

MinMin, where are you thy princess?
I know you are surely preparing for your return and us, your Minnies will surely wait for it!
Now, as Hyun joong will be in my country I suddenly wish MinMin would come here too!
Maybe for a vacation, photoshoot, CF, anything! As long as she can come here! 
Aigoo Jean! You are surely wishing for too much!
Forgive me, Minnies I just can't help it! Missing MinMin much! ^_^

credit: iamonlyhuman12345 of youtube

1 comment:

  1. I am really happy to see the perfect couple Hyunmin.
