
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Playful Kiss Video from Japan Fan Meeting!

Well to be honest the video below features mostly to Hyun Joong 
but hey as long as we get to glimpse our princess them so be it! 
And besides we do love Hyun Joong so its ok, right Minnies?

Below is the video!

In the video we can briefly see the hug from the opening of the event!
I just wish the hug did last longer! Hehehehe! Sorry my shipper heart is on full mode!
I have this HUGE request, can they release a DVD of the Playful Kiss Fan Meeting in Japan?
I bet it will sold a thousand as this cute OTP is surely love by its fans!

credits: hj8666 of youtube


  1. i'm so happy with the hugs! hahaha love them.

  2. hi. thanks so much for the updates and vids. I now come to Simply So Min every single day, a few times a day. i admit it's much easier to have everything so min-related in one place. thanks for your effort, i appreciate it so much.

    i would also like to thank the fans (lovely, lovely Japanese fans) who record the OSAKA FAN MEETS - thank you for your efforts and your hard work and your prompt uploading.

    thanks all around to everyone who has made this possible. ARIGATOU!

  3. i would not miss a single day w/o checking this blog..because im crazy about so min!
    We miss u yoon ji to the highest level! Haha
    cant wait for ur comeback..its also fascinating to know that a lot of people frm different countries wanted to know the latest news from our beloved so min..hey guys, just want to ask, if ever what kind of role or genres u would want so min to play in her upcoming project? Well anyway whatever that is, i believe that she'll portray it w/ excellence and outstanding charisma..more power to yoon ji!

    Tinzky, bacolod
