
Thursday, September 15, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Background 15Sep!

I'm still grinning ear to ear after I watched the complete videos of the 
Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting
So image my smile when our lovely MinMin did update and change
 her Cyworld background!
The background is so cute!!! Love it!

Just look below to see the background!

Two bears hugging? Isn't so cute!
Its so freaking adorable!
So glad that MinMin is updating her Cyworld
As I mentioned before everytime that MinMin do update her Cyworld
I feel bit closer to her because thru her Cyworld we can get even just 
a glimpse of what's on her mind or even her emotions! 
Thanks MinMin for sharing!
We the Minnies truly love it!

credits: jungsomin cyworld
mijoo-pearl of soompi


  1. Very happy to see mm's cyworld update. Really miss seeing her in the spotlight. Kinda worried for her for staying away for so long. Given how competitive the Korean entertainment industry, mm cannot afford to be so lowkey for so long. Otherwise, it may gets harder to get good projects in future. Minmin, pls come back soon.

  2. i suddenly remembered the teddy bears in PK :))

  3. Love the videos! Can't wait for the Eng Sub...they look so good together!! Wonder if there's video of the other session??

  4. Oh, I think she is trying to tell us something through her cyworld picture! :)

  5. how i put a favicon for my blog? and cursor?

  6. hi Jung So Min! can I ask something? do you also have a blog for MinMin? 'coz I'ved seen something like a blog and in that blog it used the banners from simplysomin. Pls if you are the admin of that blog. Can you please email me at Thanks!
