
Monday, September 26, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS GIF's & Video Link!

I know you are all wondering where we got the Playful Kiss 
Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS pictures
Well, the answer is in the link below but before the video link 
2 additional GIF's from the BTS!

So without further ado below are the GIF's and the video link!

And the Video Link!

So there you have it guys!
I do hope you enjoy it, as much as I did!
Big thanks to those who have share it!
We owe you one!
Just really love love love Playful Kiss and my ever lovely OTP!

credits: kathy's bench for gif's
snowflakesj16 of soompi
hyunmin thread at baidu


  1. Oh my! How close are these two?!

    It's been more than a year. I can't help but be surprised at how at ease they are.

    Can anyone tell me if they are close friends or something? Because how can they be so close unless they have been seeing each other after PK.

    She even waved at him! and he waved back!

  2. I like the part when MM was rehearsing, and HJ was doing some warm up exercises...yet he can't help to steal some glances (or was it just my imagination??). Seems like he was trying to be cool about it, but again not so discreet Oppa... :)

  3. Haha, yeah, he plays it off "too" cool, and then just comes off too obvious about it. Oh HJ, when will you learn? XD

  4. how to play the video.when i clik the link,its just blank.the writing also in cinese.i cant understand!please help me!i really want to watch this video!

  5. And take note, HJ is even close to her manager! After all these months? Agree with 10:31 they can only be like this if they've been seeing each other after PK. Notice too that whenever HJ is seen with female stars in other shows all of them look starstruck and affected by his presence. Only So Min doesn't seem to be affected by his superstar status hehe

  6. @11:36 most HJ fans know that he is so transparent and can't really hide his emotions, you're right he plays it too cool, trying to hard to look disinterested :P

  7. May seem assuming but truthfully if they don't have regular communications or not seeing each other, ackwardness would be evident but there's none of that. Nonetheless, I'm happy with whatever status of relationship they have -- good friends or more. I love for them to end together for life! :)

  8. Maybe, haven't a special relationship exists between them, but their relationship is very good. Only, I wonder why they are so careful with the camera. If indeed there is nothing to hide.

  9. i think they are still good fren after Pk..mayb not a couple...they care each other...i think when Hj and Mm see each other they cannot hide the feeling that they care for each other..mayb the relationship that began in Pk drama still strong..that why they not so akward...

  10. I agree with the person at 11:32.

    They seem to have a really strong friendship, they don't seem like mere acquaintances, but genuine friends. I guess they really can't hide that they are close and care for each other. I like that, they don't need to be pretentious.

    The only question is, why be so cautious in front of the camera? In the video, HyunJoong made sure SoMin knew about it when she approached him, and then he made sure her manager knew too. If there is nothing, why try to hide something in the first place? It's odd.

  11. Yes with @12:42...if indeed they are still in contact as friends, there's really no need to be cautious with the camera...unless there's a valid reason to not be obvious...interesting....very interesting...

  12. anon 12:42 & 4:27 u are both correct. MM's manager probably joined them to avoid suspicions. KHJ doesn't have any awkwardness with MM's manager. They look like they're close friends too

  13. Well said and good observation analysis! The 3 of them seem so familiar and their conversation all the more confirms it. Very interesting indeed!
