
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS Pics!

And I'm back again from the hunting expedition!
Now we got some Playful Kiss love as we have now few Playful Kiss 
Tokyo Fan Meeting BTS pics!
Its much but MinMin is there so, I love it still!

Below are the pics!

The adorable two were so focused on what they were watching!
I wonder what they were watching?

Awww they were watching MinMin while rehearsing!

Our dear MinMin! So cute!

Yah! Hyun Joong-ssh what were you looking at? 
 As we have the BTS pictures I hope they would share the video itself!
I'm dying to watch it because you all know how I love BTS when it comes from Playful Kiss!
I wonder what's in store in that BTS! Well I do hope I won't be wondering for too long!



  1. my trainee is getting better....
    -hyun joong

    hehehehe!!! hyunmin fighting!!!

    love love minmin!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing these pics...not seen them before! Hmmmm... About that last photo...seems to be a close up of the crew and KHJ watching Min Min rehearsing. I don't know why I had goosebumps looking at that photo...haha maybe because of the intensity of the look :) are so not discreet! :p. I like!!!

  3. minmin is soooooooo cute

  4. aww... KHJ so serious while watching and staring at MM

  5. As a HYUNMIN fan, I feel bad whenever I see Minnies hating on Kim Hyun Joong.

    Minnies have always been loving to anyone Minmin loves. I dont get it why the hate when obviously, these two are real great "friends".

    I just hope we can live by how Minmin is. Sweet, pure, intelligent and loving girl as she is, without hate.

  6. Oh my! MM is looking sexy in the first picture! I think the angle is making her looking smaller than she actually is.
    Kim Hyun Joong, why are you staring so intensely at her performing? ;) Even Mr. Jeong (his bodyguard) is watching MM perform. Aw.

  7. ohhhhhhhhhhhh is really beautiful so min, kim hyun joong, el guardespalda, el bailarin, todos la miran les es que ella encanta mucho es realmente linda.Me encanta la nota Thanks for sharing:)

  8. Awwww... I love these pictures. I love the way KHJ is watching JSM. I'm glad he's encouraged her to sing. I think they both care for each other and happy for both of them. There shouldn't be room for hate -- if it makes them happy to be together then be it. I love them both!

  9. I get giddy seeing pic of HJ watching MinMin rehearse!! ^^ I wonder what he thinks keke These BTS photos are making my day, I hope to see videos of it. They were so concentrated on watching PK vid, so cute! ^_^

  10. Hi Kathy, I don't understand what you mean, did any Minnies hate Hyun Joong??? As far as I know there aren't any, in fact, we all love MM with HJ, how we wish they are a REAL couple or are they already? :)

  11. I love the way HJ look so intensely at MM...awww..he must be very concern and our MM is so cute and sexy.

  12. @ Kathy.
    im the one who posted the comment.
    sorry really didnt have any intentions to said that to hyunjoong.
    I was just say whats on my mind.
    I guess i have to think before I write.
    Im not hating on him though.
    its just that fashion bothers me.

    sorry2 4 causing all the trouble.
    Please continue to support minmin,,

  13. I love the picture where all the guys , including HJ, were staring at MinMin sings. I suspect they must have found her performance captivating somehow, despite her little live singing experience. Makes my day!
