
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting Video Part 1!

Finally!!! The one that we are all waiting for is here!
Well sort of! Hehehehehe!
Now we got the Playful Kiss Tokyo Fan Meeting video Part 1!
Of course this video comes from the who-must-not-be-named-tv-station
so you know what to do!

Without further ado, below is the Part 1!

Some of the parts here we already saw it but of course it promises a part two so
 just a little wait is needed but of course I know all of us are gonna wait 
as long as its PK and our adorable OTP!
Now we badly needed subs for the video! 
I hope someone with a good heart  someone who knows korean helps us for the subs!
(Keeping my fingers cross for that!)
Excited for the part 2! See yah in Part 2 Minnies, Henecians and PKissers!

credit: yonyon113 of youtube
kathy's bench

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