
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jung So Min's BTS Pics from Bad Guy!

I know I don't post much about Bad Guy that's why this time
 I'm posting some of my favorite Bad Guy BTS pictures!

Below are the pics!

Well there you have it! For those who haven't watch Bad Guy
I do encourage you to watch because MinMin in that drama you 
will love to hate Hong MoNae which was the character of MinMin!
 She's so good at that drama!
Wishing we could see MinMin in a drama in the near future!
Missing you much MinMin!

And by the way, just updated the FanFic tab in the blog,
 haven't really been updating it but I have been reading all, 
as in ALL the fanfics related to MinMin, will update it again soon! 
To all whose doing the fanfics, hats off to you guys! Love the fanfics!
 Keep it coming and please update more often okies? 
Demanding much? ^_^ Love love love you guys, you know who you are! 

credit: pur princess Min of jung so min thread in baidu
bad guy official site 

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